Bravo 500

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BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide is an excellent fungicide when used according to label directions for control of a broad spectrum of plant diseases. BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide can be used effectively in dilute or concentrate sprays. Thorough uniform coverage is essential for disease control.
DO NOT combine BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide in the spray tank with pesticides, surfactants or fertilizers, unless your prior use has shown the combination physically compatible and non-injurious under your conditions of use. Note: Slowly invert container several times to assure uniform mixture.
The required amount of BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide should be added slowly into the spray tank during filling. With concentrate sprays, premix the required amount of BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide in a clean container and add to the spray tank as it is being filled. Keep agitator running when filling spray tank and during spray operations.

Dosage rates on this label indicate litres of BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide per hectare, unless otherwise stated. Applications should be made in sufficient water to obtain adequate coverage of foliage. Volume of water to be used will vary with crop and amount of plant growth. Spray volume usually will range from 225-1,600 litres per hectare for dilute sprays and 50-100 litres per hectare for concentrate ground sprays and aircraft applications. Both ground and aircraft methods of application are recommended unless specific directions are given for a crop.

RESTRICTIONS: Do not exceed more than 3 applications per hectare per season. Do not apply sequential treatments of BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide tank mixed with QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide. DO NOT apply to potato plants later than 2 days before harvest.
A plant back interval of 30 days for potatoes (root crops) is required.
Follow all precautions, restrictions and directions on the labels of fungicide products used in an alternation program.

BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide can be tank mixed with QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide for Control of Early Blight on potatoes.
1. Read all the labels and follow the precautionary statement, directions for use (rates, diseases controlled and application intervals) and other restrictions.
2. Always check the compatibility of BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide tank mix using a jar test with proportionate amounts of QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide, and the water, before mixing in the spray tank.
3. Provide sufficient jet or mechanical agitation during filling and application to keep the tank mix uniformly suspended.
4. Fill tank at least 1/2 full of clean water.
5. Add first BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide then QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide next.
6. DO NOT leave tank mix combinations in the spray tank for prolonged periods without agitation. Mix and apply in the same day.
8. This tank mix can be applied by ground only. Use minimum of 100 L of water per hectare when applying by ground.

CAUTION: QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide has been shown to be extremely phytotoxic to certain apple and crabapple varieties. BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide tank mixed with QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide should not be applied where there is the possibility of spray drift reaching apple and crabapple trees. DO NOT use sprayers used to apply BRAVO 500 Agricultural Fungicide tank mixed with QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide to spray apples or crabapples. 

Registrado para cultivosCalificarIntervalo de pre-cosecha
Brócoli2.5 - 4.8 l7
Coles de Bruselas2.5 - 4.8 l7
Repollos cabeza2.5 - 4.8 l7
Coliflores2.5 - 4.8 l7
Zanahorias2.4 - 3.2 l
Apio1.6 - 4 l7
Garbanzos2 - 4 l14
Arvejas2 - 3 l32
Lentejas2 - 4 l48
Trigo de invierno1.5 - 2.5 l30
Trigo de primavera1.5 - 2.5 l30
Pepinos4.8 l1
Hongos0 l7
Cebollas2.4 - 4.8 l7
Chirivías2.8 l7
Patatas1.2 - 2.4 l1
Maíz3.2 l14
Tomates2.4 - 4.8 l
Arándanos7.2 l54
Cantalupos4.8 l1
Melones4.8 l1
Cerezas5 - 9 l40
Arandanos agrios6.8 - 11.6 l50
Melocotones5 - 9 l60
Nectarinas5 - 9 l60
Fresas3.5 l30
Sandías3.2 - 4.8 l1
Calabazas3.2 - 4.8 l1
Calabazas3.2 - 4.8 l1
Ginsén2.4 - 4.8 l14
Espárragos3.4 l190
Arándanos7.2 l54
Melones limoneros4.8 l1
Calabazas de cera4.8 l1
Sandías4.8 l1
Chayotes4.8 l1
Calabazas de cera4.8 l1
Pepinos4.8 l1
Pepinillos4.8 l1
Calabazas4.8 l1
Calabazas4.8 l1
Calabazas4.8 l1
Calabazas de pattypan4.8 l1
Calabazas de Hubbard4.8 l1
Calabazas de bellota4.8 l1
Calabazas espagueti4.8 l1
Calabazas amarilla de verano4.8 l1
Cucurbitas pepo4.8 l1
Calabaza de gema4.8 l1
Cundeamores chinos4.8 l1