Bravo ZN

Registrado hasta el
Número de registro
Materiales activos

Keep in original container, tightly closed, during storage. Store in a cool, dry, well ventilated area away from feed and foodstuffs, and out of the reach of children and animals. If frozen, allow to thaw and agitate thoroughly prior to use.

For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact the manufacturer or the provincial regulatory agency. Contact the manufacturer and the provincial regulatory agency in case of a spill, and for clean up of spills.

BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide is an excellent fungicide when used according to label directions for control of a broad spectrum of plant diseases. BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide can be used effectively in dilute or concentrate sprays. Thorough uniform coverage is essential for disease control.
DO NOT combine BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide in the spray tank with pesticides, surfactants or fertilizers, unless your prior use has shown the combination physically compatible and non-injurious under your conditions of use. Note: Slowly invert container several times to assure uniform mixture.
The required amount of BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide should be added slowly into the spray tank during filling. With concentrate sprays, premix the required amount of BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide in a clean container and add to the spray tank as it is being filled. Keep agitator running when filling spray tank and during spray operations.

As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.
DO NOT contaminate irrigation or drinking water supplies or aquatic habitats by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes.
DO NOT use on greenhouse-grown agricultural crops, with the exception of celery seedbeds.
Dosage rates on this label indicate litres of BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide per hectare, unless otherwise stated. Applications should be made in sufficient water to obtain adequate coverage of foliage. Volume of water to be used will vary with crop and amount of plant growth. Spray volume usually will range from 225-1,600 litres per hectare for dilute sprays and 50-100 litres per hectare for concentrate ground sprays and aircraft applications. Both ground and aircraft methods of application are recommended unless specific directions are given for a crop.
Field sprayer application: DO NOT apply during periods of dead calm. Avoid application of this product when winds are gusty. DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than the American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE) medium classification. Boom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.

1. Ensure that the sprayer interior is clean, then fill the spray tank with 1/2 the required amount of water and engage gentle agitation. Good agitation is indicated by a rippling or rolling action on the surface of the water.
2. Add any WG or DF formulation mix partners and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
3. Add Bravo ZN (SC) and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
4. Add any additional SC formulation mix partners and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
5. Add any EC formulation mix partners and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
6. Fill the tank to 3/4 the required amount of water.
7. Add any solution (SN) formulation mix partners and agitate to ensure complete mixing.
8. Finish filling the sprayer with water, maintaining good agitation.
9. After any break in spraying operations, agitate thoroughly before spraying again.
10. Spray the pesticide suspension the same day as mixing.
11. Do not mix, load or clean spray equipment where there is a potential to contaminate wells or aquatic systems.

1. Water Volume: Specific to crop and disease. Consult the tabulated instructions for use which follow.
2. Spray Nozzles: 80 or 110 pre-orifice flat fan or air induction nozzles are recommended. Use 50 mesh nozzle screens. Do not use flood type nozzles, controlled droplet application equipment, spray foils or hollow cone nozzles.
3. Pressure: As recommended by the nozzle manufacturer.
4. Apply at uniform speed and avoid overlapping. Shut off spray boom while starting, turning, slowing or stopping to avoid potential crop injury from over application.

RESTRICTIONS: Do not exceed more than 3 applications per hectare per season. Do not apply sequential treatments of BRAVO ZN Agricultural Fungicide tank mixed with QUADRIS Flowable Fungicide. DO NOT apply to potato plants later than 2 days before harvest.
A plant back interval of 30 days for potatoes (root crops) is required.
Follow all precautions, restrictions and directions on the labels of fungicide products used in an alternation program.

Registrado para cultivosCalificarIntervalo de pre-cosecha
Zanahorias2.4 - 3.2 l2
Chirivías2.8 l7
Patatas1.2 - 2.4 l2
Cebollas2.4 - 4.8 l
Apio1.6 - 4 l7
Brócoli2.5 - 4.8 l7
Coles de Bruselas2.5 - 4.8 l7
Repollos cabeza2.5 - 4.8 l7
Coliflores2.5 - 4.8 l7
Garbanzos2 - 4 l14
Arvejas2 - 3 l32
Lentejas2 - 4 l48
Tomates2.4 - 4.8 l2
Pepinos4.8 l2
Cantalupos4.8 l2
Melones4.8 l2
Sandías3.2 - 4.8 l2
Calabazas3.2 - 4.8 l2
Calabazas3.2 - 4.8 l2
Cerezas5 - 9 l40
Melocotones5 - 9 l60
Nectarinas5 - 9 l60
Arándanos7.2 l54
Fresas3.5 l30
Arandanos agrios6.8 - 11.6 l50
Trigo de invierno1.5 - 2.5 l30
Trigo de primavera1.5 - 2.5 l30
Maíz3.2 l14
Hongos0 l7
Ginsén2.4 - 4.8 l14
Chayotes4.8 l2
Calabazas de cera4.8 l2
Melones limoneros4.8 l2
Pepinos4.8 l2
Pepinillos4.8 l2
Calabazas4.8 l2
Melones4.8 l2
Cantalupos4.8 l2
Calabazas4.8 l2
Sandías4.8 l2
Calabazas de pattypan4.8 l2
Calabazas de Hubbard4.8 l2
Calabazas de bellota4.8 l2
Calabazas espagueti4.8 l2
Calabazas amarilla de verano4.8 l2
Cucurbitas pepo4.8 l2
Calabaza de gema4.8 l2
Calabacínes4.8 l2
Arándanos7.2 l54
Espárragos3.4 l190
Avellanas6.72 l120