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Active materials
A water dispersible granule formulation containing 200 g/kg (20% w/w) metsulfuron-methyl A herbicide for spring weed control in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, and for use in green cover on land not being used for production.
ACCURATE is a highly active herbicide with foliar and root activity against a wide range of broad-leaved weeds. It is most effective when applied to actively growing weeds. Good spray cover of the weeds must be obtained. Weed control may be reduced when soil conditions are very dry, however with adequate soil moisture, susceptible weeds germinating soon after treatment will be controlled.
Do not apply ACCURATE to any crop suffering from stress as a result of drought, waterlogging, low temperatures, pest or disease attack, nutrient or lime deficiency or other factors reducing crop growth.
Do not use ACCURATE on cereal crops undersown with grasses, clover or other legumes or any other broad-leaved crop.
Do not apply ACCURATE to any cereal crop in tank-mixture or sequence with a product containing any sulfonylurea or ALS inhibiting herbicide.
When use in tank-mixtures take care not to overlap spray swaths.
Accurate should not be applied within 7 days of rolling any crop.
Contract agents should be consulted before using on crops grown for seed.
Due to the high level of activity of the herbicide, special care must be taken to avoid damage by drift onto broadleaved plants outside the target area, or onto ponds, waterways or ditches. Thorough cleansing of equipment is also very important- see SPRAY TANK CLEAN-OUT.
Treat green cover on land not being used for production only where full green cover crop is predominantly grassland, wheat, barley, oats or triticale.
Treated green cover on land not being used for production must not be grazed by livestock, harvested for human or animal consumption or used for animal bedding.
Following crops – see under CROPS section
Crop failure: in the event of crop failure for any reason, sow only wheat within 3 months of the application of ACCURATE.
Extreme care must be taken to avoid damage by drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area or onto surface waters or ditches or land intended for cropping.
Registered for culturesRate
Spring barley30 g
Winter flax30 g
Winter wheat30 g
Spring oats30 g
Winter triticale30 g
Winter barley30 g
Spring wheat30 g
Winter oats30 g
Spring triticale30 g
Spring flax30 g