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Architect is a fungicide and plant growth regulator. It has activity against Phoma/stem canker and Light leaf spot and provides crop height reduction, lodging control and yield protection in winter oilseed rape.

Crop Specific Information
Architect may be used on all varieties of winter oilseed rape and should be used in combination with a water conditioner (e.g. ammonium sulphate at 0.75 kg/ha) in hard water areas. The water conditioner must be added to the spray tank first.

Time of application
Depending on disease pressure, the choice of management program and the growing conditions, one application of Architect may be made in the autumn between crop growth stage 13-20 (3-10 leaves) followed by a second application in the spring between crop growth stage 21-59 (first side shoot detectable to yellow bud). Alternatively, application may be made only in the spring between crop growth stage 21-59 (first side shoot detectable to yellow bud).

Disease control considerations
Inspect crops to assess disease development prior to spraying. Apply to actively growing crops protectively or when disease thresholds have been reached according to appropriate disease support systems.

Phoma leaf spot and stem canker
Apply Architect in the autumn to actively growing crops at first sign of disease. Repeat application in early spring if disease symptoms re-occur, but only if the use of a growth regulator is also appropriate at this time. If this timing is not appropriate for a plant growth regulator, use another fungicide product instead.

Light leaf spot
Apply Architect protectively to actively growing crops in early spring or when disease symptoms are first seen. In high risk areas, an application in late autumn/early winter and a follow up application in early spring may be required to achieve optimum control. Late autumn/early winter may not be an appropriate timing for a plant growth regulator application, as the crop may not be actively growing. If this timing is not appropriate for a plant growth regulator, use another fungicide product instead.

Mixing and Application
Apply Architect in 150 litres of water as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC.
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Three quarters fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of Architect to the spray tank while re-circulating. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed.
When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s).
Rinse empty containers thoroughly, using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely.

Tank cleaning
After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses

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Winter rape2 l