Atlantis Star

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Registration number

Atlantis Star contains three actives – mesosulfuron, iodosulfuron and thiencarbazone – compared to just mesosulfuron and iodosulfuron in Atlantis. Applied at label rate, Atlantis Star provides a higher dosing of mesosulfuron and the addition of thiencarbazone improves control of grass-weeds and broad-leaf weeds. Atlantis Star is unique in containing three actives with activity on grass-weeds, and trials show it provides additional activity even where enhanced metabolism resistance is an issue.

Farmers can apply the full rate of Atlantis Star, 0.333kg/ha, from 1 February, GS21–33 of winter wheat. The full rate delivers 15g mesosulfuron + 3g iodosulfuron + 7.5g thiencarbazone. This is the same rate of mesosulfuron that is in Pacifica Plus which is only approved at full rate from 1 March. Like other post-emergence herbicides, smaller weeds are generally more susceptible, so aim to apply as soon as conditions allow in spring.

Atlantis Star is a water dispersible granule formulation and application guidance is similar to other products in the ‘Atlantis family’ including Pacifica Plus. Apply as a fine-medium spray, typically from a flat fan nozzle. Active growth and sufficient drying time, at least two hours, ideally four, are essential to getting a good result.

Lack of active growth after prolonged cold weather means that the target weed will not take in the herbicide, so it will have no effect. Likewise, dew or rain shortly after application will wash the herbicide off the weed before it is full absorbed by the leaf.

Correct boom height, approximately 0.5 metres and forward speed no more than 12 km/hr help to ensure even coverage with the correct spray quality to land and settle on the relatively small target leaf.

Winter Wheat and Triticale
Apply via a horizontal boom sprayer at a rate of 0.333 kg/ha or at 0.2 kg/ ha (according to the growth stage of the target weed(s)). Apply in 200–300 L/ ha as a FINE to MEDIUM spray (BCPC category). Use application techniques which ensure good weed coverage and crop penetration. Spray overlaps in the treated cereal crop should be avoided in order to reduce the risk of localised adverse effects on following crops of winter oilseed rape. Always use Atlantis
Star in mixture with authorised adjuvant biopower (ADJ: 0617) at a rate of 1 L/ha.
Only one application of Atlantis Star should be made to the crop.
For use on all varieties of winter wheat and triticale. Apply from the main shoot and 1 tiller stage (GS 21) of the crop up to second node detectable (GS 32).
This product is authorised in winter sown crops. Growers choosing to apply this product to winter sown spring varieties should note that crop safety has not been demonstrated in spring varieties. As a result application of this product to winter sown spring varieties is done so at the growers own commercial risk (and this also applies to unclassified varieties).

Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat0.333 kg
Winter triticale0.333 kg