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Rate of application, timing and pests controlled Cereals:
1.1 Yellow cereal y (winter wheat): Apply 50 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 L/ha at egg hatch which usually starts in late January, depending on the season. Crops which have emerged early are most susceptible but an application of AUDAX against BYDV vectors will also give some control of this pest.

1.2 Grain aphid or rose grain aphid on the ear: Apply 50 ml/ha AUDAX in 200-300 L/ha water to achieve thorough crop penetration of the spray. Optimum timing is after ear emergence (GS59) but applications can be made up to late milk stage (GS77). HGCA threshold for treatment is when aphids are present on two-thirds of tillers. Where aphid numbers are lower than this, check for natural enemies of aphids and spray if none are found.

1.3 Aphid vectors of barley yellow dwarf virus: Apply a routine spray of 50 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 L/ ha during late
October to cereals sown in September in areas where
BYDV is known to be present. If aphids are seen to be present in the crop before this date, spray immediately and note that further treatments may be required particularly in mild winters. In later sown cereals apply 50 ml/ha in 200 L/ ha when a BYDV risk is present. Application is worthwhile up to GS32 of the cereal crop to reduce the risk of BYDV.
Routine sprays are advised when the cereal crop follows a weedy stubble or grass leys due to the risk of direct aphid transfer to the crop.
Winter and spring oilseed rape

2.1 Flea beetle: Apply 75 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 L/ha at the first sign of pest attack and repeat 10-14 days later if necessary.

2.2 Pollen beetles: Apply 75 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 – 300 L/ ha water to achieve good canopy penetration at the green/ yellow bud stage of the oilseed rape in accordance with either specialist advice or when the threshold is reached (15 beetles per plant in well-established crops, 5 beetles per plant in backward or pigeon-damaged crops and 3 beetles per plant in spring oilseed rape). Inspect crops in the headland and mid field. Pollen beetle populations resistant to pyrethroids may occur, please refer to advice under ‘resistance management’.

2.3 Seed weevil & pod midge: Apply 75 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 – 300 L/ha water to achieve good canopy penetration during crop flowering provided that seed weevil numbers have reached the threshold (1 seed weevil per 5 plants of spring or winter oilseed rape. Note that this also takes into account the pod midge risk since these lay eggs in the feeding holes of the seed weevil). The best timing of the spray is at the peak adult activity, which often occurs between 20% pod set and the end of flowering on the main raceme (i.e. 75% petal fall across the entire crop).
Note that spraying must stop at the end of flowering in winter rape and six weeks before harvest is spring rape.
A repeat application may be required where pest attack is prolonged. For spring sown varieties apply at green to yellow bud stage if seed weevils are present at threshold levels

2.4 Cabbage stem ea beetle: Apply 50 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 L/ha water with non-organo-silicone non-ionic wetter at the manufacturers rec. rate when feeding damage is first seen in the autumn or when economic thresholds of larvae are present. If further active larvae are found, a second application may be required and, in high risk areas, a routine application may be justified late October – early
Winter and spring field beans

3.1 Pea & bean weevil: Apply 75 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 – 300 L/ha water when feeding damage (notching of the leaves) is first seen in the crop if there is a risk to the growing points of the crop. Where the number of weevils is high, a second application can improve control if applied 2 – 3 weeks after the first treatment.

4.1 Pea & bean weevil: For the reduction of feeding damage apply 75 ml/ha AUDAX in 200 L/ha water when feeding damage (notching of the leaves) is first seen in the crop if there is a risk to the growing points of the crop. Where the number of weevils is high, a second application can improve control if applied 2 – 3 weeks after the first treatment.

4.2 Pea midge: Apply 75 ml/ha AUDAX in 300 – 600 L/ ha water to achieve good canopy penetration within 3 – 5 days of the finding of the first adult midges in the crop.
Where necessary, sprays can be repeated 7-10 days later if midge activity continues and the crop is at a susceptible stage.

4.3 Pea moth: Apply 50 ml/ha AUDAX in 300 - 600 L/ha water to achieve good canopy penetration. The timing of the spray is when the crop is in full flower or as advised by the results of pheromone traps (10 moths in a pair of traps on consecutive occasions) or official advice. Combining peas may require a second treatment 10 – 14 days after the first spray but vining peas should only receive a single spray on the advised date.

4.4 Pea aphid: Apply 50 ml/ha AUDAX in 300 - 600 L/ha water to achieve good canopy penetration. The timing of the spray is when the threshold is reached (20 – 30% of shoots infested between first flower and pod set on 4th truss in combining peas). Inspect the crop carefully during flowering and repeat the application if necessary. Where aphid infestations are well established and sheltered within the crop canopy, use a tank-mixture with 140 g/ha 50% w/w pirimicarb (e.g. MAPP 10515). If aphids are the only pest attacking the crop and are hidden within the crop canopy, applying 280 g/ha of the pirimicarb product alone will be a better treatment choice.

Registered for culturesRateBBCHPreharvest Interval
Winter wheat50 ml0 - 77
Spring wheat50 ml0 - 77
Spring barley50 ml0 - 77
Winter barley50 ml0 - 77
Spring oats50 ml0 - 71
Winter oats50 ml0 - 71
Potatoes75 ml0
Sugar beets75 ml056
Pears90 ml07