Betanal MaxxPro

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IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

Betanal maxxPro is a selective weedkiller for the postemergence control of many annual weeds in beet crops.
Betanal maxxPro is recommended for low volume overall spraying in a planned spray programme and can follow an Approved pre-emergence herbicide and / or Approved postemergence herbicide treatment(s) used at recommended low doses for programmes.
Betanal maxxPro acts mainly by contact action but will, in a planned programme and in moist conditions, provide residual control of some later germinating weeds.

The recommended timing of application is fully expanded cotyledon stage of the largest weed present and this should be followed wherever possible. The weed growth stage given below is for an occasional larger weed which will usually be controlled from a full programme of Betanal maxxPro sprays.

Weeds killed up to 6 expanded true leaves
Common field-speedwell, Fat-hen, Wild Radish, (Runch)

Weeds killed up to 4 expanded true leaves
Annual meadow-grass, Black-bindweed, Common fumitory, Field pansy, Field penny-cress, Ivy-leaved speedwell

Weeds killed up to 2 expanded true leaves
Black nightshade, Corn marigold, Groundsel, Henbit dead-nettle, Knotgrass, Pale persicaria, Red dead-nettle, Redshank, Scarlet pimpernel, Small nettle

Weeds killed at cotyledon stage
Bugloss, Charlock, Common orache, Volunteer oilseed rape, Crane’s-bill (Qualified minor use recommendation), Corn spurrey (Qualified minor use recommendation)

Other weeds controlled
Cleavers - killed up to 5 cm across or high., Common chickweed - killed up to 10 cm across or high., Mayweed - severe check or kill up to 2.5 cm across or high.

All commercially grown varieties of sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels may be treated with Betanal maxxPro.
Betanal maxxPro may be used on all soil types. On soils with more than 5% organic matter content residual activity may be reduced.

Factors Affecting Crop Tolerance
When used as recommended, Betanal maxxPro exhibits good safety to beet. Several factors may affect crop tolerance and individually may appear to have little effect, but may be important when two or more occur at the same time. (see COMPANY ADVISORY INFORMATION).

Avoid drift to areas outside those being sprayed, having due regard to the prevailing weather conditions and spray quality being used. The risk of drift is greater when a FINE quality spray, as recommended for this product, is used.

Rates of use
A programme of Betanal maxxPro low volume treatments should be applied as directed below.
1st spray
Crop and weeds at cotyledon stage
1.25 L/ha
2nd and subsequent sprays
Crop at or beyond two true leaf stage
1.5 L/ha

The first Betanal maxxPro application may be made when the majority of crop plants have reached the fully expanded cotyledon stage.
The first flush of weeds should preferably not be larger than the fully expanded cotyledon stage at the time of spraying and must not be larger than the sizes stated under WEEDS CONTROLLED.

Where a pre-emergence treatment has been applied as a band spray, it will be necessary to time the first postemergence Betanal maxxPro treatment according to the size of weeds present between the rows where there is no pre-emergence effect.
A single application of Betanal maxxPro is seldom sufficient to achieve season long weed control.
Susceptible weeds may not all be killed by the first treatment. They will usually be checked and then controlled by later applications. Further Betanal maxxPro sprays should be applied as each new flush of weeds reaches the cotyledon stage.
Successful results from a programme are achieved by applying each spray when the previous one is still showing an effect on the weeds, but a minimum of 5 days must elapse between treatments.

80 to 200 litres water per hectare.

Spray operations and Spray Quality
1. Wash out the sprayer, spraybars and nozzles to ensure that no trace remains of previous products. This is most important after hormone and sulfonyl urea weedkillers. Contaminated hoses should be replaced by new hoses. N.B. All hose connections must be secured with hose clips.
2. Check that nozzle tips are clean, undamaged, of the correct type to give a FINE quality spray, and are all of the same size, giving equal spray outputs and distribution.
3. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitating. Check the agitation is operating correctly. Add the required quantity of Betanal maxxPro, mixing well by agitation, and complete filling to the final volume. Mix only sufficient chemical for immediate use and continue agitation until the tank load is used. (See COMPATIBILITY AND SEQUENCES for any special instructions for preparing tank-mixes).
4. Ensure that the spray nozzles are set at the correct height to give even spray cover. Commence spraying, being careful to maintain correct pressure and tractor speed. Avoid overdosing or drift onto neighbouring crops.
5. After each day’s work, drain the sprayer, wash thoroughly with water and liquid detergent and spray out completely. Ensure that all liquid is removed from the sprayer tank, pump and hoses. Remove nozzles, open tank and drain pump to allow free access of air to all parts of the system.

Betanal maxxPro should be applied overall as a FINE quality spray (for details see ‘Boom Sprayers Handbook’ published by BCPC).
Even cover with a FINE quality spray is essential for good results. Take care to avoid overlapping.

Betanal maxxPro is compatible with any one of the following:
Dow Shield (see directions below)
Goltix WG (see directions below)
Goltix SC (see directions below)

Betanal maxxPro plus Goltix WG/SC
For improved residual activity Goltix WG/SC may be added to Betanal maxxPro applications in a post-emergence programme.
Betanal maxxPro 1.25 L/ha
plus Goltix WG 1 kg/ha
or Goltix SC 1 L/ha

Goltix WG/SC should be thoroughly dispersed in the spray tank one third full of water before adding Betanal maxxPro and filling to the mark. Continue agitation whilst spraying.

As for Betanal maxxPro alone These mixtures may be used up to three times in the crop (Do not exceed maximum total dose allowed for partner products)

Betanal maxxPro + Dow Shield
For the control of creeping thistle and mayweeds larger than cotyledon size (up to 4 leaves) Dow Shield may be added to a Betanal maxxPro application.
Dose Betanal maxxPro 1.25 or 1.5 L/ha (depending on timing)
plus Dow Shield 0.5 L/ha

From crop fully expanded cotyledon, as required for Dow Shield.
Thistles may require a second treatment with Dow Shield (see Dow AgroSciences literature).

After seed treatments:-
Betanal maxxPro may be used as part of a planned programme after the use of approved seed treatments containing clothianidin (Poncho Beta), thiamethoxam or imidacloprid.

Programmes with pre-emergence treatments:-
Betanal maxxPro may be used as part of a planned programme after the use of approved pre-emergence treatments at recommended doses for programmes.

Programmes with post-emergence treatments for broad-leaved weeds:-
See crop tolerance section below.

Sequences with grass weedkillers:-
Betanal maxxPro may be used in sequence with grass weedkillers. Refer to graminicide product literature for recommended intervals.

Beet crops may be sown at any time after the use of Betanal maxxPro. Any other crop may be sown 3 months after using Betanal maxxPro. Ploughing (mould board) to a minimum depth of 15 cm should precede preparation of a new seed bed.

Crop Tolerance
Several factors may affect the crop tolerance and performance of Betanal maxxPro especially when used inmixtures. Some transient crop effects may occur soon after application but when the crop is under stress, application of Betanal maxxPro can lead to crop check from which it may not fully recover. In extreme cases some loss of crop may occur.
Application of Betanal maxxPro or Betanal maxxPro mixtures is not recommended when the crop is suffering from stress. Stress can be caused by a number of circumstances, the most important of which are as follows.

Use after other Herbicides
Most beet crops are treated with more than one herbicide. In these circumstances it is not always possible to predict the interactions which may occur, and the effects of stresses in such conditions may be more severe.

Manganese Deficiency
If a crop is suffering from manganese deficiency it may be checked by Betanal maxxPro.
To avoid crop check, manganese should ideally be applied to the crop first.

Lime Deficiency
Crops suffering from lime deficiency may be checked when sprayed with Betanal maxxPro. Growers should ensure that the lime status of the soil is satisfactory before drilling.

High Temperatures
When the temperature is, or is likely to be, above 21°C (70°F) on the day of spraying, application of Betanal maxxPro should be made after 5 pm otherwise crop check may occur.
If crops are subjected to substantial day to night temperature changes shortly before or after spraying, a check may occur from which the crop may not fully recover.

Crops sprayed with Betanal maxxPro and subjected to frost within seven days may be checked such that they may not fully recover.

High Light Intensity
Where the crop is already under stress, and Betanal maxxPro is sprayed in conditions of high light intensity, the crop may suffer a check from which it may not fully recover.

Strong winds can damage crops by physical buffeting and contingent damage can arise from blown soil particles. When wind damage has occurred, delay application of Betanal maxxPro until the crop has recovered.

Insect Attack
If the crop is damaged by insects, eg mangel fly, pygmy mangel beetle or flea beetle, Betanal maxxPro may cause a check from which the crop may not fully recover.

Store well away from seeds, fertilisers and animal feeding stuffs, out of direct sunlight in a safe, dry place designated as an agrochemical store.

Certain weeds may develop resistance to Bayer products. Since such circumstances are beyond our control, Bayer CropScience will be under no liability for any resulting loss or damage whatsoever.

Registered for culturesRate
Sugar beets1.5 l
Beets1.5 l
Mangels1.5 l