Better DF

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Active materials
Contains 65% w/w chloridazon.
A residual herbicide for the control of annual broad-leaved weeds in Sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels.
Better DF is a soil acting residual herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels. Better DF relies on adequate soil moisture for good results. All varieties of sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels may be treated with Better DF.
Three-quarters fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required quantity of Better DF slowly to the tank and complete filling. Continue agitation until spraying is completed.
Apply Better DF overall in 200 litres water per hectare using a FINE spray (BCPC classification).
The rate of use of Better DF should be adjusted according to the soil texture of the fields to be sprayed (see below). Where soil textures vary within a field, choose an application rate appropriate to the lightest soil type in the field. This may result in poorer weed control on areas of heavier soil type. Weed control on heavier soil types has not been determined.
Take care to avoid overdosing.
Do not use Better DF on soils with an organic matter greater than 5%.
Pre-drilling or pre-emergence application will control the following weeds. The range of species controlled and the degree of control achieved depends on the weed size at application.
Apply the recommended rate of Better DF overall.
Improved weed control will be achieved where application is followed immediately by incorporation into the top 2.5 cm of the soil. Incorporation will be particularly beneficial in dry soil conditions where a surface spray alone may not give satisfactory control.
Incorporation may be achieved by two harrowings at right angles to each other. Spring tine or zig-zag harrows may be used with no more than 10 cm stagger and set to achieve a maximum depth of 7.5 cm to 10 cm into the soil.
Take particular care when harrowing not to penetrate too deeply. Incorporation deeper than 2.5 cm causes dilution of the herbicide treated layer and may result in reduced weed control.
For best results, drill the crop as soon as possible after incorporation.
Apply at drilling or as soon as possible after drilling. Apply before crop or weed emergence, to a fine, moist, firm and level seedbed free from clods. Pre-emergence treatments require adequate soil moisture to achieve the best results. If dry soil conditions are anticipated then a pre-drilling incorporated application would be the preferred option.
Application of Better DF to crops under stress may give rise to a check in crop growth and/or plant loss from which the crop may not fully recover.
Crops may be under stress as a result of one or a combination of factors which include the effect of other herbicides, nutrient deficiencies, frost (before or after application), wind or insect damage.
In order to reduce the risk of crop check, the following situations should be avoided.
1. Exceeding the recommended dose, particularly on sandy soils.
2. Conditions making even distribution of Better DF in the soil difficult eg. poor tilth or inadequate soil moisture.
3. Incorrect drilling depth.
4. Reduced seedling vigour and emergence resulting from capping or encrustation.
5. Use of high rates of nitrogen fertiliser pre-drilling. Where higher rates of fertiliser are considered necessary these should be applied not less than three weeks before drilling.
6. Application to backward crops damaged by harrowing or excessive soil consolidation.
7. Application during periods of rapidly rising temperature likely to cause a rapid and excessive uptake of Better DF by the crop.
8. Where heavy rain falls after spraying, particularly if water is left standing on the soil surface.
Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops.
Better DF persists in the soil for several weeks after application. Fields which have been sprayed but where the crop has failed may be re-drilled with sugar beet, fodder beet, mangels or maize after cultivation. They should not be drilled with any other crop. Any spring sown crop may follow sugar beet, fodder beet or mangels harvested in the usual way. Winter cereals may be sown in the autumn after ploughing.
Following use of Better DF spray equipment should be thoroughly cleaned. There are no specific requirements for cleaning following use of Better DF. Growers should consult manufacturer’s guidance for procedures for their specific equipment and use a combination of triple rinsing and agitation with clean water. Equipment washings should be disposed of safely following the Code of Practice for Using Plant protection Products and relevant Environment Agency guidance.
Always follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds. Maximise the use of cultural control measures wherever possible (e.g. crop rotation, ploughing, stale seedbeds, delayed planting, etc) Use tank mixes or sequences of herbicides with different modes of action within individual crops. Copies of the guidelines may be obtained from the CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.
Registered for culturesRate
Sugar beets1.7 kg
Beets1.7 kg
Mangels1.7 kg