Broadway Sunrise

Dow AgroSciences
Registered until
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Active materials
For the Control of Blackgrass, Other Grassweeds and Broadleaved Weeds in Winter Wheat, Winter Rye and Triticale.
Active Ingredient: 5.4 g/litre pyroxsulam and 314 g/litre pendimethalin.
Formulation: Oil Dispersion
Maximum Individual Dose: 3.5 L/ha
Maximum Number of Applications: 1 per crop
Latest Timing: Before GS 30
Water Volumes: 100–250 Litres water/ha. Optimum 130-150 Litres water/ha
Spray Quality: MEDIUM as defined by BCPC
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
BROADWAY SUNRISE has foliar and some residual activity against blackgrass, wild oats, ryegrass, brome species and broad-leaved weeds. The ideal timing for application is when the weeds are small and actively growing and it is essential to ensure good coverage. The effectiveness of BROADWAY SUNRISE may be reduced when soils are very dry, or temperatures are low and subsequently weed growth is slow.
Avoid overlapping of spray swaths. Do not spray when crops are under stress from cold, drought, water logging, pest damage, nutrient deficiency etc. Do not roll or harrow 7 days before or after application. Take extreme care to avoid damage by drift onto susceptible crops, non-target plants or waterways. Do not apply directly to, or allow spray drift to come into contact with agricultural or horticultural crops, amenity plantings, gardens, ponds, lakes or watercourses. Do not apply BROADWAY SUNRISE in tank mixture with plant growth regulators (PGRs) as crop injury may occur. A minimum interval of 7 days between applications should be observed. Do not apply BROADWAY SUNRISE in tank mixture with an organophosphorous insecticide. A minimum interval of 14 days before or after an application of BROADWAY SUNRISE should be left. Concentrated or dilute BROADWAY SUNRISE may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately.
If herbicides of the same mode of action are used repeatedly in the same field against the same target weed, selection of resistant plants may occur. A plant is considered to be resistant to a herbicide if it survives after a treatment applied at the correct timing and recommended dose rate. Resistance can be prevented or delayed by using products with different modes of action either tank mixed or used in alternate years. No more than one application of ALS inhibiting herbicides with claims for the control of grass weeds should be applied for grass weed control. BROADWAY SUNRISE is a product with an ALS inhibitor mode of action (HRAC group B). Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. blackgrass, wild oats and Italian ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been developed by Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer. BROADWAY SUNRISE at 3.5 L/ha + authorised adjuvant should be applied as a foliar application as part of a programme of residual activity products. Control may be reduced if BROADWAY SUNRISE + authorised adjuvant is applied alone.
For good resistance management and where resistance is known or suspected to be present to substituted ureas, dinitroanilines or ACCase inhibitors the following is recommended. 1. Good cultural techniques such as drilling date and seedbed preparation should be adopted. See WRAG guidelines. 2. Use only as part of a resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ALS inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grass-weed control. 3. To avoid the build up of resistance do not make more than one application of ALS inhibiting herbicides with claims for the control of grass weeds to any crop. 4. Use mixtures of herbicides with different modes of action at full-recommended dose rates. 5. Apply herbicides at optimum timing and environmental conditions. 6. The recommended use of this product is a programme of residual products with a foliar application of BROADWAY SUNRISE at 3.5 L/ha + an adjuvant. Where weather conditions have prevented an application of BROADWAY SUNRISE + adjuvant in the autumn a spring application can be made provided that it is used as part of a planned programme of products utilising different modes of action. Contact Dow AgroSciences for recommended programmes.
Crops following a normal harvest that can be sown after a crop treated with BROADWAY SUNRISE: Autumn: Winter wheat, winter barley, winter oats, rye, triticale, oilseed rape, grass, winter beans, brassica plants as transplants Spring: Spring wheat, spring barley, spring oats, triticale, rye, spring oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes, grass, clover (as part of a grass/clover ley), beans, peas, maize, linseed, brassica plants as transplants, carrots, parsnips Where ryegrass is drilled following a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15 cm. Following a sequence of BROADWAY SUNRISE and metsulfuron-methyl, treated ground should be ploughed or cultivated to a depth of 15 cm before establishing winter oilseed rape.
In the event of a crop failure after a crop has been treated with BROADWAY SUNRISE sow only spring wheat, spring barley or maize. A minimum interval of 5 months must elapse between application of BROADWAY SUNRISE and re-drilling. Prior to re-sowing, soil should be ploughed or cultivated to a depth of at least 15 cm.
BROADWAY SUNRISE should be applied at 3.5 L/ha with an authorised adjuvant at the manufacturers’ recommended rate.
Authorised adjuvants are esterified and methylated rapeseed types, and those containing alkoxylated fatty amines, polyoxyalkylene glycol and alcohol ethoxylates.
BROADWAY SUNRISE + an authorised adjuvant can be used on all varieties of winter wheat, winter rye and triticale.
BROADWAY SUNRISE + an authorised adjuvant should be applied from 1 leaf (Zadoks 11) to before pseudo stem erect stage (Zadoks 30). BROADWAY SUNRISE + an authorised adjuvant must be applied during periods of active growth i.e. warm temperatures and moist conditions.
Where blackgrass is the main problem, BROADWAY SUNRISE at 3.5 L/ha + authorised adjuvant should be applied as a foliar application as part of a programme of residual activity products. Control may be reduced if BROADWAY SUNRISE + authorised adjuvant is applied alone. Only one application of BROADWAY SUNRISE + an authorised adjuvant in a spray programme may be made. Where BROADWAY SUNRISE is used in a spray programme with another pendimethalin containing product, care should be taken to ensure the maximum permitted amount of pendimethalin is not exceeded. Sequences should only be applied within the label recommendations of every product in the sequence.
Best Use Advice - Autumn
Suitable for use on all varieties of winter wheat, winter rye and triticale from GS 11
Ideal for use in mixed grassweed situations
For optimal control of grassweeds use as part of a programme and follow WRAG guidelines
Apply Broadway Sunrise at 3.5 L/ha + Cogent @ 1.0% v/v during active growth of grassweeds
Optimal blackgrass control is achieved in the autumn when blackgrass is at the 1-3 leaf stage – Following a minimum of 240 g ai/ha flufenacet applied as a pre-emergence – Additional residual may be added e.g. 3 L/ha Defy
To avoid subsequent injury to crops other than wheat, rye and triticale, spray equipment used for Broadway Sunrise applications should be thoroughly cleaned with All Clear Extra.

 Broadway Sunrise + Cogent is physically compatible with the following BYDV insecticides: – Cypemethrin EC, Decis Protech, Fury 10EW, Hallmark Zeon, Karate 2.5 WG, Mavrik, Sumi Alpha (or other insecticide brands with the same a.i. as those listed) – Leave a 14 day interval between Dursban WG and other OP insecticides
Broadway Sunrise + Cogent is physically compatible with the following trace elements: – Headland Brock, Headland Mn 500, Headland Super 80
Refer to for further information on compatibilities and ALS joint applications

Broadway Sunrise offers both contact and residual activity
Two active ingredients with differing modes of action helps manage weed resistance
No specific cultivation requirements for following crops of autumn drilled oilseed rape and winter beans, or sugar beet and potatoes planted the following spring.

Best Use Advice - Sprin
For optimal control of grassweeds use as part of a programme and follow WRAG guidelines
Apply during active growth of grassweeds
Blackgrass up to GS 24 – Optimum following a minimum of 240 g ai/ha flufenacet applied as a pre-emergence
Suitable for early spring control of wild oats and ryegrass where: – Control was missed in the autumn – Pre-emergent product was not applied or was ineffective – Where grassweeds have germinated in the spring
Suitable for spring brome control – Pyroxsulam products are market standard for brome control – Control of sterile and great brome is best achieved in the autumn, in spring expect biomass reduction if large
Apply Broadway Sunrise at 3.5 L/ha + Respond @ 0.25% v/v
Following crops: – Autumn: Winter wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, oilseed rape, grass, winter beans, brassica plants as transplants – Spring: wheat, spring barley, spring oats, triticale, rye, spring oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes, grass, clover (as part of a grass/clover ley), beans, peas, maize, linseed, brassica plants as transplants, carrots, parsnips

Leave 14 day interval with Dursban WG and other OP insecticides
Refer to for further information
Broadway Sunrise + Respond is physically compatible with: – Fungicides including products containing chlorothalonil (excluding those containing tebuconazole) – Can be used with chlormequat PGRs at half dose rate. Other PGRs or higher doses require a 7 day interval

Weed Spectrum
Excellent control of blackgrass (GS 11-24), ryegrass (GS 11-29), brome species (GS 11-24) and wild oats (GS 11-29).
An application of BROADWAY SUNRISE + an authorised adjuvant at the manufacturers recommended rate will give the following control.
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 4 tillers ; Susceptibility-  MS ;
Weed:Wild oats 
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to end of tillering  ; Susceptibility-S ;
Weed:Ryegrass (from seed)  
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to end of tillering  ; Susceptibility-S ;
Weed:Sterile brome 
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing- Apply to actively growing plants up to 4 tillers; Susceptibility- S ;
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 6 true leaves ; Susceptibility-S;
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 75 mm  ; Susceptibility-MS;
Weed:Common chickweed 
Rate:2.8 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing- Apply to actively growing plants up to 100 mm ; Susceptibility- S;
Weed:Common field speedwell 
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing- Apply to actively growing plants up to 6 true leaves ; Susceptibility-S;
Weed:Field Pansy 2.8 
Rate:2.8 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 4 true leaves  ; Susceptibility- S;
Weed:Geranium spp 
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 8 true leaves  ; Susceptibility-S;
Weed:Ivy-leaved speedwell 
Rate:2.8 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 6 true leaves  ; Susceptibility-  S;
Weed:Mayweed spp 
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-  Apply to actively growing plants up to 8 true leaves ; Susceptibility-S;
Weed:Volunteer oilseed rape 
Rate:3.5 L/ha
Critical Comments:  Optimum timing-Apply to actively growing plants up to 6 true leaves  ; Susceptibility-  S;
(*Where grass weeds are present, rates of BROADWAY SUNRISE lower than 3.5 L/ha should not be used).
Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat3.5 l11 - 30
Winter rye3.5 l11 - 30
Winter triticale3.5 l11 - 30
Spring triticale3.5 l11 - 30