Caracol 3

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A ready-for-use, pelleted bait for the reduction of slug and snail damage in agricultural and horticultural crops.

The maximum total dose must not exceed 23 kg of product/ha/year. In high risk situations, where additional treatments against slugs are necessary beyond the permissible 700 g metaldehyde/ha/year total dose, use an alternative slug control product not containing metaldehyde.

Slug Trapping
To establish the need for pellet application on winter wheat or winter oilseed rape, monitor for slug activity. Where bait traps are used, use a foodstuff attractive to slugs e.g. chicken layers' mash which has proven to be particularly effective. DO NOT use slug pellets in traps since they are a potential hazard to wildlife and pets. Details of the correct baiting procedure are provided in the ‘COMPANY ADVISORY INFORMATION’ section of this label. For further information on slug control and damage risk assessment, please refer to the AHDB Information Sheet 02 (integrated slug control) which can be found at

a. Complete control of slugs/snails is difficult to achieve with any type of molluscicide so some crop loss may occur especially in wet seasons. Best control is achieved by a programme of good husbandry (see COMPANY ADVISORY INFORMATION) and properly timed applications of a pellet bait such as ‘CARAKOL 3’.
b. The first application of CARAKOL 3 is usually made as a preventative measure as specified in the APPLICATION table. Follow-up applications may be required, especially in wet seasons. Assessment by test baiting will indicate when slugs are active at the soil surface and if conditions are suitable for further CARAKOL 3 treatment.
c. Late application of pellets to broad-leaved plants may result in lodging of the pellets in foliage. Care should be taken to avoid this when making applications to edible crops, e.g. lettuce and cabbage. In cabbage and cauliflower apply prior to hearting or curd formation.
d. AVOID application if heavy rain is expected, as this may reduce effectiveness of the pellets.
e. Best results are obtained when slugs and snails are actively feeding, generally following a period of light rain in mild conditions. Where a heavy attack is likely to occur, re-apply 2-3 weeks later or whenever test baiting shows it to be necessary.

Test Baiting Procedure
1. Put slug traps out before cultivation, when the soil surface is visibly moist and the weather mild (5-25°C).
2. Place upturned flower pot bases about 25 cm diameter with a small heap (20 ml or 2 heaped teaspoonful of chicken layers' mash (NOT slug pellets) beneath each trap.
3. Position these traps on the areas of the field where slug damage has been historically bad. Ideally 9 slug traps in a W pattern or 13 if the field is larger than 20 ha.
4. Traps should be left overnight and examined the following morning.
a. FOR WINTER WHEAT, a catch of 4 or more slugs/trap indicates a possible risk, where soil and weather conditions favour slug activity.
b. FOR WINTER OILSEED RAPE a catch of 4 or more slugs/trap in standing cereals or 1 or more in cereal stubble, if other conditions were met, would also indicate a possible risk of damage.

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