Clayton Tuskar

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials


IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Clayton Tuskar contains prothioconazole, DMI fungicide, recommended for control of a wide range of diseases on certain cereals and winter oilseed rape. Resistance to some DMI fungicides has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of some products. For further advice on resistance management in DMI’s contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website.

Apply Clayton Tuskar at 0.8 L/ha.
The maximum total dose per crop is 1.6 L/ha for barley and oats and 2.4 L/ha for wheat, durum wheat and winter rye. Clayton Tuskar may be applied at any stage before grain milky ripe stage (GS71) in wheat, durum wheat and winter rye and up to the beginning of flowering in barley and oats.”
Winter Oilseed Rape
Apply Clayton Tuskar at 0.7 L/ha.
The maximum total dose per crop is 1.4 L/ha. Clayton Tuskar may be applied at any stage up to a preharvest interval of 56 days.

Apply with tractor mounted/trailed sprayer in 100-300 litres of water per hectare. In dense crops, at later growth stages, higher water volumes should be used crops to ensure good coverage and penetration. For winter oilseed rape, the higher spray volumes are recommended where the crop is dense or disease pressure / risk is high to ensure good penetration to the lower leaves and stem bases. Disease control maybe compromised by reducing water volumes, where good spray coverage is difficult to achieve.
Apply as a MEDIUM quality spray (as defined by BCPC). A spay pressure of 2-3 Bar is recommended. Boom height should be adjusted to ensure even coverage of the crop, particularly at later growth stages. The correct height is one at which the spray from alternate nozzles meets just above the crop. Spray equipment should be thoroughly cleaned with detergent after use.

Thoroughly shake the pack before use. Sprayers should be thoroughly cleaned before use, and filters and jets checked for damage and blockages. Add the required quantity of Clayton Tuskar to the half-filled spray tank with the agitation system in operation and then fill to the required level. Continue agitation at all times during spraying and stoppages until the tank is completely empty. Spray immediately after mixing.

Registered for culturesRate
Durum Wheat0.8 l
Winter rye0.8 l
Winter wheat0.8 l
Spring wheat0.8 l
Spring barley0.8 l
Winter barley0.8 l
Spring oats0.8 l
Winter oats0.8 l