Clayton Zebo

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

Control of late blight (phytophthora infestans) and early blight (alternaria solani).

Application rate
2.0 Kg/ha
Water volume
150 – 600 L/ha

Applications must be made preventively as part of a blight control programme with regard to Blight
Infection Periods or local blight warnings. In the absence of any warnings, applications should commence when the crop meets along the row. If a blight warning is issued for the area, apply the first spray immediately, irrespective of the growth stage of the crop.
In common with all protectant fungicides, it is essential to spray CLAYTON ZEBO before blight appears in the crop. For this reason a regular spraying programme should be carried out.
CLAYTON ZEBO is not a curative product so do not use if blight is present in the crop. If sprays are delayed due to poor weather and blight risk is severe then consider applying CLAYTON ZEBO in tank mixture with an active ingredient that offers “kick back” activity such as cymoxanil.

Interval between applications
Minimum 7 days.
Apply CLAYTON ZEBO on a 7-10 day spray interval, depending on disease pressure. As disease pressure and the risk of late blight infection increases, the interval should be shortened.
Situations classed as high risk would be:
• Irrigated crops
• Extended periods of warm, humid weather and
• Areas where main crop and early potatoes are a commonly grown crop or
• Areas where local weather conditions allow for an increased threat of blight epidemics, e.g. the
West and South West of England/Wales and East Anglia
• Where blight has been identified in nearby potato crops or on volunteer potatoes or on potato dumps.

Reduction of leaf spot (Septoria tritici) and useful control of light to moderate attacks of brown rust.

Water volume
200-400 L/ha

CLAYTON ZEBO is a protectant fungicide and will not control established disease infections. If leaf spot or brown rust is already established or “kick-back” activity is required CLAYTON ZEBO should be applied in combination with an appropriate fungicide with curative activity.

Leaf spot
A programme of two applications of CLAYTON ZEBO with a 14 day spray interval, normally starting between GS31 and GS37, should be made to prevent the disease reaching the flag leaf and leaves 2 and 3, though in high risk situations a third application may be required after a further interval of 14 days. It is essential for best results to apply before any disease is well established.

Brown rust
One or two sprays of CLAYTON ZEBO should be made beginning at the onset of disease infection.
Interval between applications
14 days
Maximum number of applications
3 per crop
Latest time of application
Before milky grain ripe stage (GS 65)

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Potatoes2 kg7
Durum Wheat2 kg
Onions2.5 kg28
Shallots2.5 kg28
Carrots2 kg30
Parsnip2 kg30