
Registered until
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Active materials
A water dispersible granule containing 80 g/kg ametoctradin and 480 g/kg mancozeb.
A fungicide for use in potatoes.
Diablo is a protectant fungicide mixture for the control of foliar late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in potatoes.
For professional use only.
Diablo should only be used as a preventative spray.
Disease Control
Diablo will control foliar late blight when used as part of a full programme of correctly timed sprays.
Disease susceptibility
Diablo should be applied as a protectant spray before the risk of blight occurs.
Diablo will give effective protection against phenylamide resistant strains of late blight.
Resistance management
Diablo contains a mixture of ametoctradin (a triazolo-pyrimidylamine, QxI fungicide) and mancozeb (a dithiocarbamate fungicide).
To minimize the risk of resistance developing, and in line with current FRAG-UK advice to use effective doses, use Diablo at the recommended rate (2.5 kg/ha). No more than 3 consecutive applications of Diablo, and no more than a total of 4 applications of Diablo per season should be applied.
General advice:
Up to 6 applications of a QxI fungicide in mixture with a fungicide with a different mode of action, making up no morethan half of the total number of intended late blight sprays per season, may be made.
No more than three consecutive applications of a QxI fungicide should be made.
Diablo will control strains of late blight resistant to phenylamides. No cross resistance to phenylamide resistant strains of blight have been observed.
If an intensive blight control programme is necessary, include products with different modes of action.
When fungicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, naturally occurring less sensitive strains may survive, propagate and become dominant in that field. It is therefore advised that wherever possible spray programmes should include fungicides with differing modes of action. Diablo contains active substances with two different modes of action.
For further advice on resistance management for potato blight (Phytophthora infestans) contact your agronomist or specialist advisor and/or visit the FRAG-UK and Potato Council websites.
Crop specific information
Diablo can be used on all varieties of potato, including seed crops.
Time of application
Diablo should be applied as part of a repeat spray programme at 7–10 day intervals, depending on disease pressure. As disease pressure and the risk of late blight infection increases, the interval should be shortened. Irrigated crops should be treated as high risk.
Applications of Diablo must be made preventatively as soon as there is a risk of blight infection, or an official blight warning has been issued. In the absence of any warnings, applications should commence before the crop meets along the rows.
Rate of application
2.5 kg/ha
Mixing and Spraying
Remove the top filter. Three quarters fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation.
Loading directly into the spray tank: Slowly add the required amount of Diablo. Add the remainder of the water. Replace the top filter and continue agitation until
spraying is completed.
Loading by induction hopper: Ensure the hopper is suitable for handling water dispersible granules. Set to give maximum suction and slowly pour the required amount of Diablo into the outlet. Ensure the sides of the hopper are being rinsed with water as the product is poured into the hopper, avoiding a build up of product. Once the correct amount of Diablo has been added, (ensuring the hopper is clean) add the remainder of the water and replace the top filter. Continue agitation until spraying is completed.
Never prepare more spray solution than is required.
Apply as a medium spray, as defined by BCPC, in a water volume of 200–500 l/ha. Select the appropriate water volume for the density of the crop, ensuring good coverage of the foliage and stems. For use in tractor mounted/trailed sprayers only.
Diablo is rainfast in 1 hour, providing application has been made to dry foliage and the spray has dried on the leaf.
Tank cleaning
Thoroughly wash measuring and spray equipment after use.
Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Potatoes2.5 kg7