Fiesta T

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Active materials
A suspension concentrate containing 60 g/litre (5.0% w/w) quinmerac and 360 g/litre (30.3% w/w) chloridazon.
A herbicide for the control of annual weeds in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels.


Fiesta T is a soil-acting herbicide which controls germinating weeds by root absorption during or shortly after weed emergence. For optimum results the soil should be sufficiently moist at the time of application for the product to form an active herbicidal layer in the soil.
A maximum total dose of 2.6 kg chloridazon/hectare may only be applied every third year on the same field.
Fiesta T is suitable for use on soil types ranging from coarse sandy loam to clay loam as defined by the Soil Texture (85) System. Do not use on sands (coarse sand - loamy fine sand) or soils of high organic matter content such as fen peat and moss soils.
 When the crop is growing under unfavourable conditions Fiesta T may cause some depression in crop vigour with or without a reduction in stand. Some unfavourable conditions are:- – When a rapid increase in the transpiration rate of the beet causes a sudden increase in the rate of uptake of Fiesta T as, for example, when a sharp rise in temperature follows a period of low temperatures or heavy rainfall. – When the crop is suffering from a trace element deficiency, e.g. manganese. – When conditions are not conducive to even distribution of Fiesta T in the soil, such as inadequate soil moisture or poor tilth. – When rates of nitrogen in excess of those generally recommended are applied immediately before drilling. Where higher rates of fertiliser are considered necessary, these must be applied not less than three weeks before drilling. – When the crop is retarded or damaged due to harrowing or excessive consolidation of the soil by the press wheel. – When the crop is drilled at the incorrect depth. – When conditions at emergence reduce seedling vigour (eg encrustation or ‘capping’ of the soil). – Where there is a heavy loading of seed dressing on individual seeds. – Overdosing by overlapping spray swathes should be avoided.
Do not treat crops suffering from drought stress.
To reduce the risk of movement of Fiesta T to water:- – On clay soils, create a fine, consolidated seedbed to slow the downward movement of water. – Do not apply Fiesta T to dry soil. Moist soils have fewer and smaller cracks – Do not apply Fiesta T if heavy rain is forecast, wait until after the event.
Satisfactory results depend on moisture in the seedbed at the time of application. Adequate weed control depends upon sufficient rain falling before emergence to at least maintain this level of moisture.
Heavy rain falling shortly after spraying may check the growth of the crop, particularly when it leads to standing water in surface depressions. Under conditions of low pH, a reduction in herbicidal effectiveness may be noticed.
Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops particularly lettuce, linseed, carrots, parsnips and oilseed rape.
Weed Control
Susceptibility of weeds to Fiesta T applied alone pre-emergence, and in a programme with Fiesta T applied pre-emergence, followed by tank-mix with Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem applied twice.
Weed:Annual Mercury 
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:S
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Groundsel, Common 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Mayweed species
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Meadow-grass, Annual 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Nettle, Small 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Orache, Common 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Weed:Pansy, Field 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MR
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Persicaria, Pale 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Weed:Pimpernel, Scarlet 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:R
Weed:Poppy, Common
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Red Deadnettle 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MR
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:MS
Rate:Post emergence 1.0 L/ha Fiesta T + Venzar Flowable + Betanal Flow + Norton Flo + Toil or Velocity (as recommended on the label) Applied in a sequence of up to 4 x postemergent applications 7-10 days a part.
Critical Comments:S
Weed:Speedwell, Common Field 
Rate:Pre-emergence 4.1 L/ha
Critical Comments:S
(S = Susceptible; MS = Moderately Susceptible; MR = Moderately Resistant; R = Resistant - = No information)
Strains of some annual grasses, e.g. black-grass, wild oats, and Italian rye-grass, have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.
Fiesta T may be applied pre-emergence in sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels and as two low-dose repeat applications post-emergence in sugar beet in tank-mix with Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem. The sequence of pre- and post-emergence applications is required for optimum activity on cleavers and combining the post-emergence applications with contact sprays such as Betanal Flo or Betanal Tandem maximises control of other species.
Time and Rate of Application
Pre-emergence application to sugar beet, fodder beet and mangels
Apply 4.5 L/ha Fiesta T at the time of drilling or immediately afterwards (to a seedbed which is fine, firm, moist and free from clods) (see Restrictions/Warnings section above). Should application be delayed, ensure that it is applied before any emergence of the beet.
Post-emergence application to sugar beet
In sugar beet, the preferred treatment is to follow a pre-emergence application of Fiesta T with low-dose applications of Fiesta T + contact herbicides such as phenmedipham (eg Betanal Flo) or phenmedipham + ethofumesate (eg Betanal Tandem). Weeds should be ideally at cotyledon stage for optimum control.
Following crops
The effects of Fiesta T persist in the soil for several weeks. Fields which have been sprayed but where the crop has failed may be redrilled with sugar beet, fodder beet, or mangels after cultivation. Do not redrill with any other crop.
In the following spring sow only cereals, beet/mangel crops, potatoes or beans after ploughing.
Winter cereals may be sown in the same autumn as beet is harvested provided ploughing is carried out before sowing.
Mixing and Spraying
Apply as a MEDIUM spray as defined by BCPC for pre-emergence treatments.
For post-emergence applications, apply as a FINE spray in 80 litres of water per hectare. Use spray nozzles which give a fine spray and a spray pressure of 3.0–5.5 bar.
SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Fiesta T. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed. Rinse empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the sprayer tank.
When tank mixes are to be used, add each product separately to the spray tank or induction bowl, taking due note of any instructions given on the order of mixing.
All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing. Rinse empty containers thoroughly, using an integrated pressure rinsing device or by manually rinsing three times. Add washings to tank at time of filling and dispose of container safely. Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, at least three times using clean water and following the sprayer cleaning guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer.
When tank mixtures are to be used each product should be added separately to the spray tank, taking due note of any instructions given as the order of mixing.
Provided that all product recommendations are followed, Fiesta T may be tank mixed with the following: Approved formulations of: Venzar Flowable (MAPP 06907) Betanal Flow (MAPP 13893) Nortron Flo (MAPP 12986) Toil (A0248), Velocity (A0697) All tank-mixes should be used immediately after mixing.
Agitate continuously - do not leave mixtures standing in the tank during mealtimes or overnight.
This list has been prepared in the light of information available at the time of publication.
Other mixtures not referred to here may prove to be incompatible and it is therefore advisable not to use mixtures other than those listed as compatible in this label. Contact your advisor or BASF representative for further information.
Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Sugar beets1 - 4.1 l31