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Active materials

A broad spectrum systemic fungicide for winter and spring crops of wheat (excluding durum), barley, oats, rye and oilseed rape, field beans and linseed.


All varieties of WHEAT (excluding Durum), BARLEY, RYE (winter), OATS
Maximum individual dose: 
1.0 litres product per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 
1 per crop
Earliest time of application:
Application must be made after BBCH 30.
Latest time of application: 
End of flowering (BBCH 69)
Other specific restrictions: 
Do not apply by hand-held equipment.

Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litres product per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 
1 per crop
Earliest time of application:
Application must be made after BBCH 20.
Latest time of application: 
At any time up to and including the end of flowering for oilseed rape.
Other specific restrictions: 
Do not apply by hand-held equipment.

Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litres product per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 
1 per crop
Earliest time of application: 
Application must be made after BBCH 40.
Latest time of application: 
Not less than 35 days before harvest for field beans.
Other specific restrictions: 
Do not apply by hand-held equipment.

Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litres product per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 
1 per crop
Earliest time of application: 
Application must be made after BBCH 20.
Latest time of application: 
At any time before brown capsule stage or 35 days before harvest whichever is sooner for linseed.
Other specific restrictions: 
Do not apply by hand-held equipment.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Folicur is recommended for control of a wide range of diseases on winter and spring sown cereals, oilseed rape, field beans and linseed.
For best disease control and yield benefit Folicur should be applied at an early stage of disease development, before infection spreads to new crop growth.

Tank mixtures or alternation with fungicides having a different mode of action have been shown to protect against the development of resistant forms of disease.
The possible development of diseases resistant to Folicur cannot be excluded or predicted. Where such resistant strains occur, Folicur is unlikely to give satisfactory control.
Folicur contains tebuconazole a DMI fungicide. Resistance has been identified in Septoria leaf blotch (Mycosphaerella graminicola) which may seriously affect the performance of the some products. Folicur is not recommended for the control of this disease. For further advice on resistance management in DMI’s contact your agronomist or specialist advisor, and visit the FRAG-UK website.
Strains of light leaf spot resistant to azole fungicides are known to exist. To avoid development of resistance apply product protectively in response to disease forecasts. Where possible, when light leaf spot is present use a fungicide with an alternative mode of action or mixes containing an alternative mode of action when targeting other diseases such as Sclerotinia at mid flowering.

Septoria (moderate control of glume blotch), powdery mildew (moderate control), yellow rust, brown rust, ear disease complex – Fusarium, Alternaria and Cladosporium)
Powdery mildew (moderate control), yellow rust, brown rust, Rhynchosporium (moderate control) and net blotch (useful reduction)
Powdery mildew, yellow rust, brown rust and Rhynchosporium (moderate control).
Crown rust and mildew
Oilseed rape
Light leaf spot, Phoma leaf spot and stem canker and Sclerotinia stem rot, dark leaf spot/pod spot (Alternaria), ringspot (Mycosphaerella brassicicola)
Field Beans
Chocolate spot, bean rust
Powdery mildew, botrytis

Sprayers should be THOROUGHLY CLEANED before use and filters and jets checked for damage and blockages.
A pressure of 2-3 bar (30-40 psi) is recommended.
Apply as a MEDIUM quality spray (as defined by BCPC).
Boom height and water volume should be adjusted to ensure good coverage of the crop, particularly at later growth stages. In dense crops at later growth stages, higher water volumes should be used as recommended.

Folicur may be used on all varieties of winter and spring wheat (excluding durum), barley, rye, and winter and spring oats.
Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 1 per crop
Earliest time of application: For winter and spring wheat, barley, oats and rye application must be made after BBCH 30.
Latest time of application: End of flowering (BBCH 69).

Water Volume
Most crops 100-200 litres/hectare
The higher spray volumes are recommended where the crop is dense or disease pressure / risk is high to ensure good penetration to the lower leaves and stem bases. Disease control may be compromised by reducing water volumes, where good spray coverage is difficult to achieve.

Diseases Controlled - Application Timing
Where disease pressure remains high application with an alternative effective product may be required to maintain control but only one application of Folicur may be applied per crop.

Septoria Glume Blotch (S. nodorum)
To protect the flag leaf and ear apply Folicur from flag leaf emergence (GS 37) until ear fully emerged (GS 59) prior to development of visible disease.
Yellow Rust and Brown Rust
Apply Folicur at the first signs of disease. Applications made to established infections are likely to be less effective.
Ear Disease Complex
Folicur applied preventatively before an infection event. Applications soon after ear emergence can give a good reduction of Fusarium ear blight and a reduction of sooty moulds (Alternaria and Cladosporium) and can result in cleaner, brighter ears.
Powdery Mildew
Folicur should be applied at first signs of disease. When disease pressure remains high repeat applications with an alternative effective product – see “Resistance Management”.
Rhynchosporium (leaf blotch)
Application of Folicur will provide a moderate reduction in Rhynchosporium secalis. Apply Folicur at the onset of disease. For moderate to severe infections a second application with an alternative effective product may be necessary 2-3 weeks later. On disease susceptible varieties in high risk situations tank mixing Folicur with other products may improve control (contact Bayer CropScience for
Net Blotch
Application of Folicur will provide a moderate reduction in net blotch. Apply Folicur at the very first signs of disease in spring/early summer. A second application with an alternative effective product 2-3 weeks later will give most effective control when conditions remain favourable for disease development. When disease develops after flag leaf emergence a single application of Folicur will generally provide moderate protection.
Crown Rust
Folicur applied to control mildew on oats will also reduce crown rust infections occurring around this time. Alternatively, apply Folicur on first appearance of crown rust.
Occasionally, after the application of Folicur, some transient leaf speckling on wheat or leaf reddening/scorch on oats may occur, but these symptoms have not been shown to adversely affect yield responses accruing from the benefits of disease control.

Folicur may be used on all varieties of winter or spring sown oilseed rape.
Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre per hectare.
Maximum number of applications: 1 per crop.
Earliest time of application: For oilseed rape application must be made after BBCH 20.
Latest time of application: up to and including the end of flowering.
Folicur should be applied in 100-400 L/ha of water, using the higher volume in dense crops.

Diseases Controlled
Light Leaf Spot
Autumn/Winter: Folicur will control light leaf spot in oilseed rape. Light leaf spot should be prevented from developing early in the life of the crop and good protection from subsequent disease development will be provided by an application of Folicur in autumn/winter after GS 20 (usually late October to early December). Follow up spray(s) with an alternative effective product may be required in the spring/ summer depending on disease development.
Spring/Summer: If an autumn treatment of Folicur has not been made and disease develops in the crop over winter, an early spring (late February/March) application of 1.0 L/ha may be made from the onset of stem extension.
The application of 1.0 L/ha of Folicur either pre- or postflowering will generally control late development of light leaf spot on pods and leaves.
Phoma Leaf Spot/Stem Canker
Leaf spot can be found from October onwards and best control of stem canker may be expected from an autumn/ early winter application (after GS 20) of Folicur applied at first signs of disease, followed by an alternative effective product in late winter/early spring.
Dark Leaf/Pod Spot (Alternaria spp)
Treatment with 1.0 L/ha Folicur should begin at the onset of disease i.e. when black pin-head spots first appear on the pods.
Sclerotinia Stem Rot
1.0 L/ha of Folicur applied at early to full flower will give some reduction of Sclerotinia stem rot.
Ringspot (Mycosphaerella brassicicola)
Spring/summer applications of Folicur made for the control of light leaf spot may also give some reduction of this disease.

Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre per hectare
Maximum number of applications: 1 per crop
Earliest time of application: Do not apply before GS 40
Folicur must not be applied less than 35 days before harvest.

Diseases Controlled - Application Timing
Chocolate Spot and Bean Rust
Apply Folicur at first signs of disease from the early flower stage.

Maximum individual dose: 1.0 litre per hectare.
Maximum number of applications: 1 per crop
Earliest time of application: For linseed application must be made after BBCH 20
Folicur should be applied in 100-400 L/ha of water, using the higher volume in dense crops.
Folicur may be applied at any time before brown capsule stage or 35 days before harvest whichever is sooner.

Diseases Controlled - Application Timing
Powdery Mildew
Folicur applied at first signs of disease will give control.
Folicur applied at first signs of disease can give a reduction in this disease.

Thoroughly shake the pack before use.
Add the required quantity of Folicur to the half-filled spray tank with the agitation system in operation and then fill to the required level. Continue agitation at all times during spraying and stoppages until the tank is completely empty. Spray immediately after mixing.
Where tank mixes are used Folicur should be added to the spray tank last, after first dispersing the other product(s).



Registered for culturesRateBBCHPreharvest Interval
Spring rye1 l30 - 71
Winter rape1 l20 - 69
Spring rape1 l20 - 69
Spring flax1 l2035
Spring wheat1 l30 - 71
Winter wheat1 l30 - 71
Spring barley1 l30 - 71
Winter barley1 l30 - 71
Winter rye1 l30 - 71
Spring oats1 l30 - 71
Winter oats1 l30 - 71
Winter rape0.5 l14 - 19
Spring rape0.5 l14 - 19
Beans1 l4035
Winter flax1 l2035