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A suspension concentrate containing 14.5 g/l picolinafen and 320 g/l pendimethalin and 1,2-benzisothiazole. A herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of meadow grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley.


GALIVOR is a herbicide with residual and contact activity for the control of meadow grasses and broad leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley.
For residual control some soil moisture is required for GALIVOR. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application.
Residual control may be reduced :
under prolonged dry conditions
 on soils with more than 6% organic matter
on soils with a high Kd factor
on soils where ash content is high.
DO NOT disturb the soil after application.
Where cultural techniques which encourage the build up of organic residues in the surface soil are practised for a number of seasons, the effectiveness of residual herbicides may be reduced. In such circumstances periodic ploughing is recommended to disperse residues into a greater volume of soil.
Soil types
GALIVOR may be used on all mineral soil types.
DO NOT use on soils with more than 10% organic matter.
DO NOT use on stony or gravelly soils as crop damage can occur, particularly if heavy rain follows treatment.
DO NOT use on water logged soil or soils prone to water logging.
Seedbed preparation
Trash and straw should be incorporated evenly during seedbed preparation.
Seedbeds must have a fine, firm tilth.
Loose or cloddy seedbeds must be consolidated prior to application, otherwise reduced weed control may occur. They may also cause seed to be inadequately covered which could result in crop damage.
Crop safety
Do not apply to crops suffering from stress, which may be caused for example by pests, disease, waterlogging, poor seedbed conditions or previous chemical treatment.
Water logging that occurs soon after pre-emergence applications may lead to crop damage.
For pre-emergence applications, seed should be covered with a minimum of 3.2cm of settled soil.
Only treat shallow drilled crops post-emergence.
DO NOT soil incorporate.
Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts.
Some transient bleaching may be seen after application to some crops. This does not lead to yield loss.
DO NOT spray undersown cereals or those to be undersown.
DO NOT roll emerged crops prior to application.
DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring.
Spray drift
Extreme care should be taken to avoid damage by drift onto plants outside the target area.
Other restrictions/warnings
DO NOT use more than one application of GALIVOR in one growing season.
Concentrated or diluted GALIVOR may stain. Avoid spillage. Staining is minimised or completely removed if skin/clothes are washed immediately.
Weed Control
Susceptibility of weeds to single applications of GALIVOR
For post-emergence applications best results will be achieved by application to small actively growing weeds.
Winter Wheat Winter Barley
Weed:Annual Meadow-grass 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 2 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 2 lvs;
Weed:Rough Meadow-grass
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-MS up to 2 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-MS up to 2 lvs;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em- MS up to 1 whorl;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 3 whorls;
Weed:Common Chickweed
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Weed:Common Field Speedwell 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-S ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Weed:Common Fumitory - S up to 3 lvs S up to 3 lvs
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-  S up to 3 lvs;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em- S up to 3 lvs;
Weed:Common Orache 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Weed:Common Poppy 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- MS;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Weed:Corn Marigold 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-S ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Weed:Field Forget-me-not 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- MS;
Weed:Field Pansy 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 4 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 4 lvs;
Weed:Hemp-nettle (Day Nettle) 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Weed:Henbit Dead-nettle 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Weed:Ivy-leaved speedwell
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Weed:Parsley Piert 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Weed:Red Dead-nettle 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs ;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Weed:Scarlet Pimpernel
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em- S;
Weed:Shepherd‘s Purse 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em- S up to 6 lvs;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-S up to 6 lvs;
Weed:Smooth Sowthistle 
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-MS ;
Weed:Volunteer Oilseed Rape (1) S MS up to 2 lvs MS up to 2 lvs
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 3 
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Pre-em-S;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha) 2
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em- MS up to 2 lvs;
Rate:Product Rate (l/ha)  3
Ctitical Comments:Application timing Post-em-MS up to 2 lvs;
(S = Susceptible MS = Moderately susceptible (1) = deep germinating volunteer Oilseed Rape may not be controlled).
Resistance management
Strains of some annual grasses (eg Blackgrass, Wild-Oats, and Italian Ryegrass) have developed resistance to herbicides, which may lead to poor control. Picolinafen is an inhibitor of carotenoid biosynthesis at the PDS step (a group that includes picolinafen and diflufenican). A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted. To prevent the development of resistant weeds herbicides with different modes of action must be used when applying in sequence. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Crop specific information
All varieties of Winter Wheat and Winter Barley.
Time of application
Pre- and post-crop emergence, up to before pseudo-stem erection (before growth stage 30).
DO NOT apply pre-emergence to crops drilled after 30 November.
Rate of application
Apply GALIVOR at 2 or 3 l/ha in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Following Crops
Following crops after normal harvest
There are no restrictions on following crops when GALIVOR is used alone other than before Rye-grass is drilled after a very dry season, plough or cultivate to at least 15cm.
In the event of crop failure
In the event of crop failure plough to at least 15cm. An interval of at least 8 weeks must have elapsed between using GALIVOR and re-drilling. The following crops may then be sown in spring : Spring Wheat, Spring Barley.
Mixing and Spraying
Never prepare more spray solution than is required.
Half fill the tank with clean water and start the agitation. To ensure thorough mixing of the product, invert the container several times before opening. Add the required quantity of GALIVOR to the spray tank while re-circulating. Fill up the tank with water and continue agitation until spraying is completed.
When tank mixes are to be used, take due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing. Each product should be added separately to the spray tank and fully dispersed before the addition of any further product(s).
On emptying the container, rinse container thoroughly by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely.
Ensure good, even spray cover of the target using a spray of fine or medium quality (BCPC definition).
A travel speed of 6 to 8 km/h is advised for tractor-mounted and trailed sprayers.
High speeds increase the risk of uneven cover due to excessive boom whip and bounce. The slower speed is recommended where the target is in a thick crop or weed cover, or where travel conditions are rough.
Sprayer cleaning
After spraying, thoroughly clean and flush out application machinery with a minimum of three rinses, using a wetting agent or a proprietary spray tank cleaner to ensure that all traces of product are removed, particularly before using the sprayer in broad-leaved crops.
Contact your distributor or BASF representative for compatibility information.
Trademark acknowledgements
Galivor is a registered trademark of BASF.
Registered for culturesRateBBCHPreharvest Interval
Winter wheat2 - 3 l3056
Winter barley2 - 3 l3056