Glotron 700 SC

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Active materials

A suspension concentrate (SC) containing 700 g/L (58.3% w/w) of Metamitron.

Important: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
GLOTRON 700 SC is a versatile crop safe selective herbicide with contact and residual properties acting by both leaf and root uptake for the control of annual weeds in sugar beet, red beet, fodder beet and mangels. GLOTRON 700 SC is absorbed by the roots of any emerging weeds

Pre-emergence application is not recommended on organic soils.

Factors affecting crop tolerance
GLOTRON 700 SC exhibits great safety to beet combined with consistent weed control when used as recommended. The beet plant is, however, very sensitive to herbicide treatments if the following stress factors occur: previously applied pesticides and herbicides (other than GLOTRON 700 SC pre-emergence on mineral soils), soft growth after prolonged rain, sudden changes in temperature, high light intensity, high radiant temperatures, prolonged low temperature periods, insect and fungal attack, damage by wind blows, nutrient deficiencies such as manganese. If these or any other stressinducing conditions occur, some cotyledon tip scorch may occasionally result. Under these conditions crop tolerance to GLOTRON 700 SC + CROPSPRAY 11E may be reduced, particularly when used in conjunction with other herbicides either as tank-mixes or sequentially.

Uneven application
Spraying can be uneven due to the movement of spraying equipment, ground undulations, proximity of hedgerows etc. This can lead to high dosages of chemical and damage to the crop for which no responsibility can be accepted by the suppliers.

Pre-emergence followed by post-emergence applications Weeds controlled from a pre-emergence application of GLOTRON 700 SC followed by a program of well-timed sprays of post-emergence (at the early cotyledon stage of the weeds) applications of GLOTRON 700 SC + CROPSPRAY 11E

GLOTRON 700 SC is recommended for use in all varieties of sugar beet grown on mineral and organic soils and red beet, fodder beet and mangels grown on mineral soils.

GLOTRON 700 SC may be applied either as a pre-emergence application followed by post-emergence applications or as a post-emergence programme.

Pre-emergence of beet followed by post-emergence applications:
Apply the first application of GLOTRON 700 SC at the pre-emergence stage of the crop. Prolonged dry weather after application may reduce effectiveness.
Best results will be obtained on a fine, well consolidated seedbed, free from clods and established weeds. Cloddy or fluffy seedbeds or very dry conditions will reduce activity.
A second application should be applied post-emergence of the crop at the first weed flush, when the weeds are at the expanded cotyledon stage. A further application should be applied when the next flush of weeds germinate. This is usually 10 – 21 days after the first post-emergence application.

Post-emergence programme:
The first application should be made at the cotyledon stage of the earliest germinating weeds. The size of the beet does not matter provided the crop is not under stress. The treatment should be repeated as each flush of weeds reaches the cotyledon stage until weed germination ceases.
If weeds have survived the previous spray 7 – 10 days after treatment, another application should be made even if no new weeds have germinated during the period.

Pre-emergence of beet followed by post-emergence applications:
On all mineral soils apply GLOTRON 700 SC at 1.65 L/ha in 80 – 200 litres of water per hectare as an overall pre-emergence application. This should precede two post-emergence sprays of GLOTRON 700 SC at 1.65 L/ha + CROPSPRAY 11E at 1.65 L/ha applied in 80 – 100 L/ha water. Alternatively an application of GLOTRON 700 SC may be used pre-emergence at 2.0 L/ha followed by 2 post-emergence applications of GLOTRON 700 SC at 1.5 L/ha + CROPSPRAY 11E at 1.65 L/ha

Post-emergence programme:
An overall programme of three sprays using: GLOTRON 700 SC 1.65 L/ha + CROPSPRAY 11E at 1.65 L/ha in 80-100 litres of water per hectare.
N.B. The residual activity of GLOTRON 700 SC is dependent on the cumulative rate of GLOTRON 700 SC applied; therefore, if the full programme of sprays is not used, residual activity and efficacy will be reduced.

Beet crops may be sown at any time following the use of GLOTRON 700 SC. Providing 16 weeks elapse from the last application of GLOTRON 700 SC, winter cereals may be sown in the same season. Any spring crop may be sown in the season following use of GLOTRON 700 SC or GLOTRON 700 SC/CROPSPRAY 11E. Mouldboard ploughing to a depth of 15 cm followed by thorough cultivation is recommended before planting any crop.

Thoroughly shake the pack before use.
Add the required quantity of GLOTRON 700 SC to the half-filled spray tank with the agitation system in operation and then fill to the required level. Continue agitation at all times during spraying and stoppages until the tank is completely empty. Spray immediately after mixing.
When tank-mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the tank; the GLOTRON 700 SC should be dispersed first unless otherwise specified under the Compatibility section.
RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of container safely.
Pre-emergence of the crop use a FINE-MEDIUM spray and post-emergence a FINE spray as defined by the BCPC system. Avoid spray drift.
Do not use finer than 80 mesh filters in spray lines or nozzles. Clean spray equipment thoroughly after use.

For information on tank mixes please consult your supplier

This product contains metamitron, a Group C1 herbicide, based on the mode of action classification system of the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee. Repeated use of herbicides with the same mode of action can increase the risk of strains of weed developing resistance to these compounds, leading to poor control. In order to minimize the risk, a strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should be adopted.
Growers are advised to apply products containing herbicides with different modes of action in sequence or in tank mix where two or more components are active against the target weeds.
Use the recommended rate of GLOTRON 700 SC and the correct application timing for the hardest to control weed species present in the field. The above should be used in conjunction with effective cropping rotation and cultivation techniques e.g. stale seedbed, cultivation and use of non-selective herbicide prior to drilling.
Further guidance on weed resistance management is available from the Herbicide Resistance Action Group (HRAC) and Weed Resistance Action Group (WRAG). Follow WRAG guidelines.

Registered for culturesRate
Beets2 l
Mangels2 l
Red beet2 l
Sugar beets2 l