
Registered until
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Active materials
A suspension concentrate formulation containing 15 g/l diflufenican and 450 g/l chlorotoluron.
For the control of certain broad leaved weeds in winter wheat, winter barley, durum wheat and triticale.


HEKLA is a selective herbicide for use pre- and early post-emergence in winter wheat, winter barley and pre-emergence use in durum wheat and triticale.
HEKLA has not been tested on spring crops of triticale.
Qualified use is based on crop safety data for winter sown cultivars only. The product is taken up by germinating seedlings through the shoot and partially by the roots, with little translocation in larger plants.
DO NOT apply if crop is stressed due to waterlogging, drought, nutrient deficiency, pest infestation etc.
DO NOT apply during prolonged periods of frosty weather. Frost following application may cause crop damage.
DO NOT apply if heavy rain is expected with 4 hours.
DO NOT overlap spray swaths.
Crops may suffer some transient damage such as bleaching which is normally outgrown without affecting yield.
DO NOT direct drill autumn sown broad-leaved crops following application of HEKLA in the previous crop.
DO NOT treat broadcast crops.
DO NOT roll autumn treated crops until the spring.
DO NOT harrow the crop at any time following application.
DO NOT apply to soils with greater than 10% organic matter.
DO NOT treat undersown cereals or those due to be undersown.
See ‘Following Crops’ section for further information.
Crop Safety
Not all varieties of cereals may be safely treated with HEKLA. It may be used on the varieties listed below.
Check with Makhteshim Agan (UK) Ltd or your supplier for a current variety list.
Crops must be drilled by 1st December. Early sown crops e.g. September drilled may be prone to damage should application precede or take place during a period of rapid growth in the autumn.
Winter Wheat: Ambassador, Apostle, Armada, Avalon, Brimstone, Brock, Fenman, Fortress, Haven, Hornet, Mercia, Mission, Norma, Pastiche
Winter barley: Concert, Frolic*, Gaulois, Gerbel**, Kira, Magie, Marinka, Monix, Plaisant, Sonata, Sonja, Vixen, Waveney *May only be treated after the 2 leaf stage
**May only be treated when grown on a sandy clay or heavier using ADAS Soil Texture “85 System.
Triticale: Lasko, Purdy, Salvo Durum
Wheat: Arcour, Capdur, Flodur, Kidur, Regal, Valdur
HEKLA is predominantly a soil acting herbicide which has a low level of solubility giving it residual properties in the soil. It has the ability to be translocated throughout the plant system after absorption. It is capable therefore of giving both pre- and post-emergence weed control.
HEKLA is recommended for the control of the following broad-leaved weeds, when applied pre or early post-emergence.
Pre- and post-emergence use on winter wheat and winter barley. Pre-emergence use on durum wheat and triticale.
Make only one application of HEKLA to the crop. Apply pre-emergence within 7 days of drilling.
Contract agents should be consulted before using on crops grown for seed.
Effects on brewing and baking have not been established. Consult grain merchants or processor before use.
Rate of Use and Volume
Apply HEKLA at the following rates – 7.7 l/ha - winter wheat and barley and durum wheat, 6.6 l/ha - triticale in 200-250 l water/ha. HEKLA should only be applied to durum wheat and triticale, pre-emergence of the crop.
Ensure a good coverage of soil.
Apply as a MEDIUM spray (BCPC category).
Soil Condition
Prepare a firm fine seedbed for best results, with clods no more than fist size. The crop should be sown to the normal depth of 25 mm. It is important to ensure that the seed is well covered. Good weed control depends on burying and dispersing of any trash or burnt straw before or during seedbed preparation.
For best results apply to a moist seedbed. Do not apply to dry, cracked or waterlogged soils.
Do not use on sands (Soil Texture [85] System) or very stony or gravely soils due to risk of crop damage.
Soils with high amounts of ash or organic plant residue will inactivate HEKLA.
Mixing and Application
Ensure the sprayer is clean and in good working order.
Calibrate according to the sprayer manufacturers recommendations.
Half fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required quantity of HEKLA to the tank and complete filling. Continue agitation until spraying is complete.
Do not leave the sprayer standing with the spray mixture in it for a long period of time.
Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after use, using a wetting agent or a proprietary tank cleaner.
Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring barley
Winter triticale