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Innox is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, winter barley, spring barley, winter oats, spring oats, winter rye and winter oilseed rape.

Wheat (winter and spring), rye (winter).
Apply 0.8 L/ha in 100 – 300 L/ha water, from beginning of stem elongation up until before grain milky ripe stage (BBCH 30 – BBCH 70).
(Max: 2.4 L/ha per season).
Barley(winter and spring), Oats (winter and spring).
Apply 0.8 L/ha in 100 – 300 L/ha water, from from beginning of stem elongation, up until the beginning of flowering (BBCH 30 - BBCH 61).
(Max: 1.6 L/ha per season)
Oilseed Rape (winter).
Apply 0.7 L/ha in 100 – 300 L/ha water from no side shoots stage up until full flowering
(BBCH 20 - BBCH 65)
Pre harvest interval:56 days. (Max: 1.4 L/ha per season)
Innox may be used on all commercial varieties of winter and spring barley, winter and spring wheat, winter rye, winter and spring oats and winter oilseed rape.
The higher spray volumes are recommended where the crop is dense, or disease pressure/risk is high to ensure good penetration to the lower leaves and stem bases.
Disease control may be compromised by reducing water volumes, where good spray coverage is difficult to achieve.

Thoroughly shake the pack before use. Add the required quantity of Innox to the halffilled spray tank with the agitation system in operation and then fill to the required level.
Continue agitation at all times during spraying and stoppages until the tank is completely empty. Spray immediately after mixing. Sprayers should be thoroughly cleaned before use, and filters and jets checked for damage and blockages. Boom height should be adjusted to ensure even coverage of the crop, particularly at later growth stages. The correct height is one at which the spray from alternate nozzles meets just above the crop. In dense crops, at later growth stages, higher water volumes should be used.
Spray equipment should be thoroughly cleaned with detergent after use.
Crops should not be re-entered until spray residues are dry.

Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat0.8 l
Spring wheat0.8 l
Winter barley0.8 l
Winter barley0.8 l
Spring oats0.8 l
Winter oats0.8 l
Winter rye0.8 l
Winter rape0.7 l