MaisTer WG

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A herbicide for post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in forage and grain maize.

MaisTer WG provides the highest control and widest spectrum of grass weed control in maize particularly on difficult grasses such as black-grass, barnyard grass, couch and annual meadow grass
No need to tank-mix with other herbicides – controls both broad-leaved and  grass-weeds in one product
No following crop restrictions or special cultivations for crops grown in the year after application; very useful as maize spreads eastwards into an arable rotation including  vegetable and root crops
Crop safety is as good as or better than current standards

Apply MaisTer WG at a dose rate of 150 g product/ha with the adjuvant Mero   at 1% in 200-400 litres of water per 2L Mero/ha in 200L water
Apply using a pressure of 2.5-3.0 bar and a spray quality of FINE TO MEDIUM (BCPC category)
Dry conditions resulting in moisture stress may reduce effectiveness
Do not spray in temperature above 25°C
For optimum results, apply MaisTer WG during warm weather, when soil is moist and the weeds growing actively
Transitory crop effects (yellow, reddish-purple, white or necrotic patches) can occur following application of MaisTer WG. These effects are transitory in nature and will not affect yield
To reduce the potential for adverse crop effects MaisTer WG must only be applied to a healthy crop, not suffering from stress as a result of any factor reducing crop growth. Also ensure that spray swaths do not overlap when applying MaisTer WG
Take extreme care to avoid damage by drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area or onto ponds, waterways and ditches. Because some non-target crops are sensitive to MaisTer WG, extreme care is required to avoid drift onto plants outside the target area

Do not use in any non-CRD approved tank mixture or sequence with any other ALS inhibitor, such as a sulfonylurea
To avoid the build-up of resistance do not apply this or any other product containing an ALS inhibitor herbicide with claims for control of grass-weeds more than once to any crop
Do not spray crops under stress, suffering drought, waterlogged, grazed, lacking nutrients or if the soil is compacted
Do not use MaisTer WG on crops undersown or crops to be undersown, with grasses, clover or other legumes, or any other broad-leaved crop. Do not spray if rain is imminent

In the year of application, only cereals can be sown after the maize has been harvested. Field vegetables may not be grown as succeeding crops in the year of application
In the following year, all crops may be grown safely
In the event of crop failure, maize can be re-drilled provided complete soil inversion to a minimum of 15 cm is conducted prior to re-drilling

MAIZE (grain and forage)
Maximum individual dose: 150 g of product per hectare
Maximum number of treatments: One per crop
Latest time of application: Up to and including the six-leaf stage of the crop (GS 16)
Aquatic buffer zone distance: 11 metres
Other specific restrictions: To avoid the build-up of resistance do not apply this or any other product containing an ALS inhibitor herbicide with claims for control of grass-weeds more than once to any crop.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

DO NOT use in any non-CRD approved tank mixture or sequence with any other ALS inhibitor, such as a sulfonylurea.
DO NOT apply to undersown crops or crops to be undersown.
DO NOT spray crops under stress, suffering drought, waterlogged, grazed, lacking nutrients or if the soil is compacted.
DO NOT use Maister WG on crops undersown with grasses, clover or other legumes, or any other broad-leaved crop.
DO NOT spray if rain is imminent.
DO NOT spray if temperature is above 25˚C.
Avoid overlapping of spray swaths.
Store in a cool, dry, safe place designated as an agrochemical store, away from seeds and animal feedingstuffs.

Maister WG is a foliar applied herbicide for post-emergence control of emerged broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in forage and grain maize. Whilst the growth of susceptible weeds is inhibited within hours of application of Maister WG the time taken for visible symptoms to appear varies depending on weed species, application timing and weather conditions. Death of susceptible weeds will usually occur within 2-4 weeks of application of Maister WG.

Broad-leaved weeds:
Black nightshade
Maximum growth stage controlled:8 leaf

Common chickweed
Maximum growth stage controlled:5 cm diameter

Fat hen
Maximum growth stage controlled:8 leaf

Maximum growth stage controlled:6 leaf

Scented mayweed
Maximum growth stage controlled:6 leaf

Shepherds purse
Maximum growth stage controlled:6 leaf

Grass weeds:
Annual meadow-grass
Maximum growth stage controlled:Tillering (before GS30)

Maximum growth stage controlled:3 leaf

Maximum growth stage controlled:15 cm shoot

Control of black nightshade may be variable (*Control of shoot growth)

This product contains foramsulfuron and iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium which are ALS inhibitors, also classified by the Herbicide Resistance Action Committee as ‘Group B’. Use only as part of a resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ALS inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grass-weed control. Strains of some annual grasses
(e.g. black-grass, wild oats and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which can lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.
To reduce the risk of developing resistance or where resistance to sulfonylurea herbicides is suspected applications should be made to young, actively growing weeds.

Key aspects of the Maister WG resistance management strategy are:
- ALWAYS follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant grass and broad-leaved weeds (see WRAG guidelines for options).
- DO NOT use Maister WG as the sole method for grass or broad-leaved weed control – integrate your chemical control with a programme of cultural control measures.
- DO NOT use Maister WG or other ALS inhibitor as the sole means of grass weed or broad-leaved weed control in successive crops.
- ALWAYS use grass and broad-leaved weed herbicides with non-ALS modes of action throughout the cropping rotation.
- ALWAYS monitor weed control effectiveness and investigate any odd patches of poor grass or broad-leaved weed control. If unexplained contact your agronomist who may consider a resistance test appropriate.

For use on forage and grain maize. Apply Maister WG post-emergence from the two-leaf stage of the crop (GS12) up to and including the six-leaf stage of the crop (GS16).
For optimum results, apply Maister WG during warm weather, when the soil is moist and the weeds actively growing. Dry conditions resulting in moisture stress may reduce effectiveness.
Apply Maister WG at a dose rate of 150 g product/ha with an authorised methylated rapeseed oil adjuvant (e.g. Mero, ADJ. 0638 or 0818) in 200-400 litres of water per hectare. Apply using a pressure of 2.5 - 3.0 bar and a spray quality of FINE TO MEDIUM (BCPC category).
Transitory crop effects (yellow, reddish-purple, white or necrotic patches) can occur following application of Maister WG. These effects are transitory in nature and will not affect yield. To reduce the potential for adverse crop effects Maister WG must only be applied to a healthy crop, not suffering from stress as a result of any factor reducing crop growth. Also ensure that spray swaths do not overlap when applying Maister WG.
Take extreme care to avoid damage by drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area or onto ponds, waterways and ditches. Because some non-target crops are sensitive to Maister WG, extreme care is required to avoid drift on to
plants outside the target area.

In the year of application, only cereals can be sown after the maize has been harvested. Field vegetables may not be grown as succeeding crops in the year of application. In the following year, all crops may safely be grown. In the event of crop failure, maize can be re-drilled provided complete soil inversion to a minimum of 15 cm is conducted prior to re-drilling.

Add the recommended quantity of Maister WG to the spray tank half-filled with the required quantity of clean water. Add the remainder of the water with the sprayer agitation system in operation. Maintain agitation during mixing and loading and until spraying is complete. Do not leave the sprayer standing with chemical in it. When tank-mixing, always add Maister WG to the spray tank first and fully disperse before adding other products. Do not allow Maister WG granules to come into contact with the undiluted concentrate of any other product.

Sprayer hygiene
To avoid subsequent damage to crops other than forage and grain maize it is important that the spray tank, boom, hoses, filters and nozzles are thoroughly washed out to remove all traces of Maister WG immediately after spraying using a proprietary sprayer cleaner (e.g. All Clear Extra) according to the label instructions for that product.

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