Pelican Delta

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Active materials
A herbicide for post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds in the Spring in Winter Wheat and Winter and Spring Barley.
A water-dispersible granule containing 60% w/w diflufenican and 6% w/w metsulfuron-methyl.
Winter Wheat, Winter Barley, Spring Barley.
PELICAN DELTA is a highly active herbicide containing the active ingredients diflufenican and metsulfuron-methyl. It has contact and residual activity for post-emergence control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in the Spring in Winter Wheat and Winter and Spring Barley.
Avoid treating crops suffering from stress resulting from drought, waterlogging,
low temperatures, pest and disease attack or micronutrient deficiency.
Do not apply to frosted crops. Sharp or severe frosts following application may cause cropscorch from which the crop will normally recover.
Do not apply to Cereal crops undersown with Grass, Clover, other Legumes or any other broadleaved crop.
Do not harrow treated crops at any time after application; do not roll crops within 7 days before or after application of PELICAN DELTA.
Do not use on crops being grown for seed.
Take extreme care to avoid damage by drift onto broad-leaved plants outside the target area, or onto ponds, waterways or ditches. Thorough cleaning of the spraying equipment after use is also very important see ‘Spray Tank Clean-out’.
Avoid overlapping spray swaths.
Do not apply PELICAN DELTA to any Cereal crop in tank-mixture or sequence with a product containing any sulfonylurea or ALS-inhibiting herbicide except as detailed in ‘Sequential Treatments’ on the next page.
Soil Types and Weather Conditions
PELICAN DELTA can be applied to all soils except those containing more than 10% organic matter. The speed of activity of PELICAN DELTA is dependent upon temperature and can be less in cool weather. Weed control may also be reduced if the soil is very dry. For best results, soil should be moist at and after application. Seed beds hould be fine and firm and should not contain clods grater than fist size.
Crops Treated and Time of Application
PELICAN DELTA can be applied to winter wheat and winter and spring barley from February 1st, provided the crop has at least 2 true leaves (3 true leaves for barleys). Do not apply after the ‘flag leaf ligule just visible’ stage (BBCH 39). Best results will be obtained from applications to small, actively growing weeds in the spring.
Rates of Application and Weeds Controlled
Weed species:Black-bindweed
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:MS
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MR
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:R
Weed species:Buttercup, Creeping 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MS
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:R
Weed species:Charlock
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Chickweed, Common
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Corn Marigold
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Corn Spurrey 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Cranes-Bill, Dove’s-Foot
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Weed species:Dead-nettle, Red 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Docks 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Fat-hen
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MR
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:R
Weed species:Field-speedwell, Common
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Forget-me-not, Field 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Fool’s Parsley
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Hemp-Nettle, Common
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Knotgrass 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MS
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Mayweeds
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Nettle, Small
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Weed species:Nipplewort
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Weed species:Orache, Common
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:MS
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:R
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:R
Weed species:Pale Persicaria
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Pansy, Field
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Parsley-Piert
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Poppy, Common
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Redshank
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Scarlet Pimpernel 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Shepherd’s-purse
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Sowthistle, Smooth
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Weed species:Speedwell, Ivy-leave 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:MS
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MS
Weed species:Sun Spurge
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MS
Weed species:Thistle, Creeping
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:MS
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MS
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MS
Weed species:Volunteer Oilseed Rape 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Weed species:Volunteer Sugar-beet 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:S
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:S
Weed species:Wild Mignonette 
Weed growth stage:
Plants up to 2 expanded true leaves:S
Plants up to 6 expanded true leaves:MS
Plant up to 15 cm across/high:MR
(S=Susceptible, MS=Moderately susceptible, MR=Moderately resistant, R=Resistant)
Weed resistance
When herbicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, selection of resistant biotypes can take place. These can propagate and may become dominating. A weed species is considered resistant to a herbicide if it survives correctly applied treatment at the recommended dose.
Development of resistance within a weed species can be avoided or delayed by sequencing or tank-mixing with suitable products having a different mode of action. PELICAN DELTA contains both metsulfuron-methyl, a sufonylurea which acts via ALS inhibition and diflufenican, a carotenoid biosynthesis inhibitor. Do not use ALS inhibitors as a sole means of broad-leaved weed control in successive years. Do not apply PELICAN DELTA in tank mix or sequence with any other herbicide containing an ALS-inhibitor except as detailed in ‘Sequential Treatments’ below.
A strategy for preventing and managing resistance should be adopted. The Weed Resistance Action Groups have produced guidelines and copies are available from HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacturer.
Sequential Treatments
PELICAN DELTA may be applied as a sequential treatment with certain other ‘ALS-inhibiting’ herbicides. to improve the spectrum of activity, provided always that each product is applied within the label recommendations for its use.
Water Volume
Apply using a conventional hydraulic ground sprayer in 200 – 400 litres of water/ha. Use the higher water volume where the crop is dense to ensure adequate weed coverage. A spray pressure of at least 2 bar (30 psi) is advised.
 Spray Quality
Apply PELICAN DELTA as a ‘medium’ spray (as defined by BCPC).
Mixing and Application
Half-fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required quantity of PELICAN DELTA to the water. Rinse the empty container thoroughly with water and add the rinsings to the tank. Complete the filling and apply without delay. Maintain agitation while travelling and throughout the spraying operation.
Good even coverage of the soil and weeds is essential.
Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after use using the procedure detailed in ‘Spray Tank Clean-out’ below.
Following Crops
Only cereals, oilseed rape, field beans or grass may be sown in the same calendar year to succeed a cereal crop treated with PELICAN DELTA. Soil must be ploughed before drilling or sowing following crops. As a precaution, users who rent out their land to growers should not use diflufenican-containing products in successive years bfore renting out the land.
In a crop failure situation, only re-drill with winter wheat or winter barley after ploughing. Other following crops must not be planted until at least 12 weeks have elapsed after the initial application of diflufenican.
PELICAN DELTA is incompatible with formulations of chlorpyrifos. Allow at least 14 days between applications of PELICAL DELTA and chlorpyrifos-containing products.
Spray tank clean-out
To avoid subsequent damage to crops other than cereals, thoroughly remove all traces of PELICAN DELTA from spraying equipment immediately after spraying, using the following procedure:
1. Immediately after spraying, drain tank completely. Wash any contamination off the outside of the sprayer with clean water.
2. Rinse inside of tank with clean water and flush at least one tenth of the spray tank volume through the boom and hoses. Drain tank completely.
3. Half-fill the tank with clean water and add the correct quantity of ALL CLEAR™ EXTRA. Agitate and then flush the boom and hoses with the solution. Top up completely with water and allow to stand for 15 minutes with agitation. Again flush the boom and hoses and drain tank completely (if it is not possible to drain tank completely, repeat step 3 before going on).
4. Remove nozzles and filters and soak in a bucket containing 50ml ALL CLEAR™ EXTRA per 10 litres water.
5. Rinse tank again with clean water and flush at least one tenth of the tank volume through the boom and hoses. Drain tank completely.
6. For disposal of washings, follow the Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Pesticides on Farms and Holdings. Do not spray onto sensitive crops or land intended for planting with sensitive crops.
The (CoSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of this product at work.
Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat100 g39
Spring barley100 g39
Winter barley100 g39