
Rotam Agrochemical
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Active materials

Important: The product should be applied following the principles of Good Agricultural Practice. The following instructions need to be carefully read to obtain safe and effective use of this product.

Do not mix with foliar or liquid fertilizers.
In the case of particularly sensitive varieties, e.g. Abraxas, Fjord, Rival an Nancis, some crop damage may be caused from which recovery may not be complete.
Do not apply Primero in sequence or in tank-mixture with a product containing any other sulfonylurea.
Do not apply to crops which have been treated with organophosphate soil insecticides as crop damage may result.
Applications should not be made to maize crops that are under stress as crop damage may result. The product should be applied at the recommended rate to a healthy crop.
Following treatment at growth stage 2-8 true leaves, mild crop yellowing/stunting/loss of vigour may be apparent for 7-14 days. Treated crops will rapidly recover from this and crop yields will not be affected.
Crop damage may result where spray overlapping occurs. If possible this should be avoided.
A strategy for managing weed resistance should be adopted as strains of key grass weeds have developed resistance to herbicides, which may result in poor weed control.
The product should not be used as the only method for grass and broad-leaved weed control in successive maize crops.
Due to a high level of activity, avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops as damage may result.
Do not use in maize crops planned for propagation.

Primero can be used on light, medium and heavy soil types.

CROP SELECTIVITY: Only apply Primero to maize.

In cases of emergency crop replacement ploughing is required before replanting. Winter wheat and winter barley may be sown in the following spring. After a significant drought no oilseed rape or catch crops should be planted. In case of crop failure maize already treated with Primero may be replaced with a following maize crop.

Primero contains nicosulfuron which is an ALS inhibitor, HRAC ‘Group B’. products contains ALS inhibitors should not be used as the sole method of weed control in maize crops, in order to prevent the build up of resistance. Primero should be used in mixture or in sequence with herbicide products with different mode of action.

Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild-oats, and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such resistance should e adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop adviser or product manufacture.
Use only as part of a resistance management strategy that includes cultural methods of control and does not use ALS inhibitors as the sole chemical method of grass-weed control.

Primero is a post-emergence herbicide to be applied between 2 and 8 leaf stage (GS 12 to 18) of the maize crop. Target weeds should be emerged at the time of application and actively growing. The optimal timing is an application when the weeds have 2-4 leaves. To ensure the best results – it is advised to avoid application where day and night temperatures differ by more than 20C. When hot periods of weather prevail, with > 25C during the day, apply the product in the evening. do not apply when rains is expected within 12 hours after application. Following  longer periods of rain leave the crop untreated for at least 1 day before the application is made.

MAIZE(grain and forage)
Weeds: Annual grass and broadleaved weeds
Dose rate/ha: 1.0 l product/ha/crop
Number of Applications: 1

MAIZE (grain and forage)
Weeds: Annual grass: meadow grasses, ryegrass, foxtails.
Dose rate/ha: 0.75 l product/ha/crop
Number of Applications: 1

Shake the product container thoroughly. Fill the tank to approximately half the required volume with clean water and start the agitation. Add the required quantity of Primero to the spray tank then complete the filling with clean water. Continue with agitation until spraying is completed.

Apply primero with conventional boom and nozzle equipment at a water volume of 100-300 l/ha. Apply as a medium quality spray (as defined be BCPC) at a pressure of 2-3 bar (30-40 psi). use the recommended dose rate. Do not apply when rain is expected within 12 hours after application. Avoid contaminating water surface during preparation of the spray and th tank cleaning operations. Do not re-use or incinerate empty pesticide containers.

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