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A contact and residual herbicide for pre and post-crop emergence use against a range of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley.

Regatta is an outstanding pre-emergence herbicide for early control of grass-weeds and broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat and winter barley. It should form a key part of your anti-resistance strategy and, used in a programme with Atlantis WG (mesosulfuron-methyl and iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium), will provide robust control of black-grass in winter wheat.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label.
All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

DO NOT treat undersown cereals or those due to be undersown.
Avoid treating crops suffering from stress as a result of drought, waterlogging, grazing, pests or disease attack, nutrient deficiency, soil compaction or other factors reducing crop growth.
Adverse crop effect (paling, reduction in vigour) may occur when there is very wet weather before and after application, particularly on crops grown on light free draining soils or where soils become
waterlogged. These effects are typically transitory in nature and will have no adverse effect on crop yield in most cases.
DO NOT use on waterlogged soils or soils prone to waterlogging.
DO NOT use on sands or very light soils (ADAS 85 classification) or very stony or gravelly soils, as there is a risk of crop damage.
Shallow drilled crops must only be treated post-emergence.
DO NOT treat broadcast crops as uncovered seed may be damaged.
DO NOT soil incorporate.
Avoid spraying during periods of prolonged or severe frosts as sharp or severe frosts following application may cause transitory discoloration or scorch from which the crop will normally recover.
DO NOT use on soils containing more than 10% organic matter.
DO NOT disturb the soil after application (e.g. by harrowing or rolling).

Strains of some annual grasses (e.g. black-grass, wild oats and Italian rye-grass) have developed resistance to herbicides which may lead to poor control. A strategy for preventing and managing such
resistance should be adopted. Guidelines have been produced by the Weed Resistance Action Group and copies are available from the HGCA, CPA, your distributor, crop advisor or product manufacturer.
Key aspects of the Regatta Resistance Management Strategy are:
ALWAYS follow WRAG guidelines for preventing and managing herbicide resistant weeds
DO NOT use Regatta as a stand-alone treatment for black-grass control. Use only in tank mix or sequence with effective herbicides with alternative modes of action
DO NOT use Regatta as the sole means of grass weed or broad-leaved weed control in successive crops
ALWAYS use grass and broad-leaved weed herbicides with alternative modes of action throughout the cropping rotation
ALWAYS monitor weed control effectiveness and investigate any odd patches of poor grass or broadleaved weed control. If unexplained contact your agronomist who may consider a resistance test

Annual meadow-grass - Susceptible pre- and post-emergence up to and including GS13, 21 (3 leaf and 1 tiller stage)
Black-grass - Moderately Susceptible pre- and post-emergence up to and including GS13 but before GS21 (3 leaf stage but before tillering has commenced)
Cleavers - Moderately Resistant pre- and post-emergence up to and including GS11 (1 whorl stage). Useful levels of control can be achieved, but a follow-up treatment with a specific cleaver herbicide may be required in some situations.
Common chickweed - Susceptible pre- and post-emergence up to the early branching stage (5cm).
Common field-speedwell - Susceptible pre- and post-emergence up to and including GS14 (4 leaf stage)
Field forget-me-not - Susceptible pre-emergence
Field pansy - Susceptible pre- and post-emergence up to and including GS14 (4 leaf stage)
Groundsel - Susceptible pre-emergence.
Ivy-leaved speedwell - Moderately Resistant pre-emergence. Susceptible post-emergence up to and including GS12 (2 leaf stage).
Mayweeds - Susceptible pre- and post-emergence up to and including GS12 (2 leaf stage).
Red dead-nettle - Susceptible pre-emergence

A subsequent sequential application of 0.3 L/ha Regatta may provide a useful contribution to the residual control of black-grass and annual meadow-grass, particularly in situations where black-grass or annual meadow-grass germination is protracted and emergence after application is anticipated, and when used as part of a grass weed management programme.
Established perennial grasses and broad leaved weeds growing from rootstocks will not be controlled by Regatta. Speed of activity can be slow and is dependent on temperature and growing conditions. Activity can be slow under cool conditions and the final level of weed control may take some time to appear. Some soil moisture is required for Regatta to be activated. Moist soil at and after application is required to give the best results. Best results will be obtained if rain falls within 7 days of application. Residual control may be reduced under prolonged dry conditions.

Good weed control depends on burying any trash or straw before or during seedbed preparation. Seedbeds must have a firm, fine tilth. Loose or cloddy seed beds must be consolidated otherwise crop damage may result due to inadequate seed cover. For pre-emergence treatments, seed should be covered with a minimum of 32mm of settled soil.
Apply via a horizontal boom sprayer. Apply in 200-400 L/ha as a MEDIUM spray (BCPC category). Use the higher volume where crop or weed foliage is dense. A spray pressure of at least 2 bars is advised. Good, even spray coverage of soil and weeds is essential. Ensure that spray swaths do not overlap. To prevent damage, care must be taken to avoid drift onto neighbouring crops.

Winter wheat (all varieties): Apply pre or post-emergence up to and including second tiller stage (GS22).
Winter barley (all varieties): Apply pre or post-emergence up to and including third tiller stage (GS23).

Where the second application of a sequence is made after 31st December, or where the total dose exceeds 0.6 L/ha, the first application must be made up to and including GS12 of the crop.
The second application of any sequence must not exceed 0.3 L/ha.
A minimum of 6 weeks must elapse between treatments.
Where the total dose is between 0.3 - 0.6 L/ha and application is made after GS12 of the crop, the latest time of application is 31st December.
A single application of 0.3 L/ha that is not part of a sequence may be made at any time up to and including GS22 (winter wheat) or GS23 (winter barley) of the crop and before 31st March.

Plough or cultivate to at least 15cm before planting following crops of oilseed rape, field beans and edible brassicae. Ensure thorough soil mixing before planting. Plough to at least 15cm before planting peas, sugar beet, carrots and onions. Ensure thorough soil mixing before planting. Wheat, barley and potatoes can be drilled without any special cultivations. In the event of crop failure, for any reason, plough to at least 15cm and sow only wheat, barley and potatoes. An interval of 12 weeks should elapse between treatment and subsequent sowing of spring wheat and spring barley.
Where Regatta and other products containing diflufenican are applied to successive cereal crops, levels of diflufenican (DFF) will build up in the soil. Ploughing or cultivation, with complete inversion of the furrow, must take place before planting any following non-cereal crop, except potatoes. Even where ploughing or cultivation is carried out there may still be a risk of damage to following crops of onions, leek and related species, or clover. As a precaution users who rent out their land to growers of these crops should not use DFF-containing products in successive years before renting out the land.

Shake the container well before use. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and add the required amount of Regatta. Wash out the container and add the washings to the spray solution, before topping up with clean water. Maintain continuous agitation of spray solution during mixing and loading and until spraying is complete. Do not leave the sprayer filled with the spray solution standing for long periods. Wash out the sprayer thoroughly after use using a wetting agent or proprietary tank cleaner with two rinses.


Registered for culturesRate
Winter wheat0.6 l
Winter barley0.6 l