Reldan 22

Dow AgroSciences
Registered until
Registration expired
Registration number
Active materials
An emulsifiable concentrate containing 225 g/litre (22.5% w/w) chlorpyrifos-methyl.
A broad-spectrum insecticide for the control of INSECTS and MITES infesting STORED CEREAL GRAINS and GRAIN STORES.
Pack Size: 1.0 Litre
Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate
Maximum Individual Dose: Grain store – 200 ml Reldan 22 /10.0 litres water / 100 m2 Treated grain (immediate eradication) - 10 ml Reldan 22 /1.5 litres water/tonne of grain (see below) Treated grain (long term storage protection) - 20 ml Reldan 22 /1.5 litres water/tonne of grain (see below)
Maximum Total Dose: One application per batch Latest Timing: Grain store – no withholding period Treated grain:10 ml per tonne of grain – no withholding period Treated grain: 20 ml per tonne of grain – 90 days before processing
Water Volume: Grain store – 200 ml Reldan 22 / 5-10 litres water / 100 m2 Treated grain – Max. Concentration 20 ml Reldan 22 / 0.75 litres water/tonne of grain (see below).
Key Benefits
Mite and insect infestation in UK stored grain causes annual losses of 5-10%
Presence of mites can give rise to opportunistic mould infestation as a result of increased heat
Reldan 22 will control all major mite and insect pests of stored grain including: – Copra mite, Common flour mite*, Cosmopolitan food mite, Saw-toothed grain beetle*, Rust-red grain beetle, Foreign grain beetle, Rust-red flour beetle*, Confused flour beetle, Merchant grain beetle, Indian meal moth, Warehouse moth, Mediterranean flour moth, Grain weevil, Rice weevil * OP resistant strains exist
Reldan 22 is the ONLY grain store fabric treatment to control mites.
Works by contact, ingestion and fumigant activity
A single pre-harvest grain store application offers 6 months protection
Accepted by the BBPA and BRI for use on grain intended for malting and brewing.

Best Use Advice - Grain Stores
For treating empty storage structures and crop handling equipment
Apply 200 ml of Reldan 22 in 5 to 10 L water to treat an area of 100 m2 – If surfaces are porous, increase the water volume to 10.0 L per 100 m2
Applications can be made using a knapsack sprayer or tractor operated spray lance
Use only one application
Applications should be made to a clean store/clean equipment – no debris and certainly no grain should be present
Treat all surfaces including crevices and joints, and grain handling equipment
Apply 1 month before grain filling begins
Reldan treatments will persist for 6 months offering long-term storage peace of mind

Best Use Advice - Harvested Grain
Can be used to treat wheat, barley, oats, rye and triticale (NOT OSR)
For immediate eradication of grain store pests, use at 10 ml in 0.75 to 1.5 L water per tonne of grain – No withholding period at this rate
For long term storage protection use at 20 ml in 0.75 to 1.5 L water per tonne of grain. After treatment grain should not be processed for 90 days.
Treated grain should not be used for seed
Applications should be made via a suitable insecticide applicator to grain that has been dried (or is below 14% moisture), cooled and cleaned
Application rates are based on grain conveyer throughput: – < 5 tonnes per hour apply Reldan 22 in 1.5 L water per tonne of grain – > 5 tonnes per hour apply Reldan 22 in 0.75 L water per tonne of grain
The spray solution should be constantly agitated until application is complete.

These may include excessive sweating, headache, weakness, fainting and giddiness, nausea, stomach pains, vomiting, small pupils, blurred vision, muscle twitching.
If any of the above symptoms occur, particularly if there is known contamination: STOP WORK Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed skin and hair. Prevent all exertion. Call doctor AT ONCE and show him this label.
RELDAN 22 contains chlorpyrifos-methyl, an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound.
1. IN ALL CASES AND AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE inject atropine sulphate 2 mg or pro rata for children and repeat (if necessary) until fully atropinised.
2. IF AVAILABLE administer pralidoxime 1 gramme by intra-muscular injection. Repeat after 3-4 hours.
1. Keep airway clear.
2. Watch respiration - intubation with endotracheal tube, or tracheotomy may be necessary in conjunction with artificial respiration.
3. Put patient at complete rest in hospital for 24 hours at least.
By estimating cholinesterase activity (5 mL blood, unhaemolysed, collected in an anticoagulant). Further advice Dow AgroSciences Limited, Latchmore Court, Brand Street, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1NH Tel: +44 (0) 1462 457272 Fax: +44 (0) 1462 426605 24 hour Emergency Telephone Number: +44 (0) 1553 761251 or from local National Poisons Information Service
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Other Specific Restrictions:
The following maximum concentrations must not be exceeded: Grain: For immediate eradication use at 10 millilitres per tonne of grain in up to 1.5 litres of water. No withholding period required at this rate. For long term storage protection use at 20 millilitres per tonne of grain in up to 1.5 litres of water. A minimum period of 90 days must elapse between treatment of grain and its consumption or processing. Crop handling and storage structure: 200 mL product/10 litres water/100 square metres. DO NOT RE-USE container for any purpose.
Strains of saw-toothed grain beetle and flour mite resistant to some organophosphorus compounds are widespread and resistant strains of rust-red flour beetle have also been found. Where strains resistant to products containing organophosphorus compounds are present RELDAN 22 is unlikely to give satisfactory control. To reduce the incidence of resistance, it is recommended that the same mode of action is not used continuously over 2-3 years and that if a product is used for treating the empty grain store a different mode of action is used to treat any grain stored in the building. If failure of a particular product is noted, a different mode of action should be used for subsequent treatments in the grain store.
Quarter fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the required quantity of RELDAN 22 insecticide to the tank and complete filling. Continue agitation until spraying is completed.
Pests: BEETLES/WEEVILS: Saw-toothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis), Merchant grain beetle (Oryzaephilus mercator), Grain weevil (Sitophilus granarius), Rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae), Foreign grain beetle (Ahasverus advena), Rust-red grain beetle (Cryptolestes ferrugineus), Rust-red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) and Confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum ) MITES: Common flour mite (Acarus siro), Cosmopolitan food mite (Lepidoglyphus (Glycyphagus) destructor)) and Copra mite (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) MOTHS: Mediterranean flour moth (mill moth / flour moth) (Ephestia kuehniella), Warehouse (cocoa, tobacco) moth (Ephestia elutella) and Indian meal moth (dried fruit moth) (Plodia interpunctella).
Application Rate: 10 to 20 millilitres per tonne. If immediate eradication of grain storage pests is required use RELDAN 22 at 10 millilitres per tonne of grain in 0.75 to 1.5 litres of water. If long term storage protection is required use RELDAN 22 at 20 millilitres per tonne of grain in 0.75 to 1.5 litres of water.
Water Volume: 0.75 to 1.5 litres of water per tonne (refer to ‘Conveyor speed’)
Timing: Apply RELDAN 22 to harvested grain after it has been dried (preferably below 14% moisture content), cooled and cleaned and ideally before it goes into store. Apply RELDAN 22 using a suitable insecticide applicator with continuous agitation of spray solution.
Maximum Number of Applications: 1 per batch
Conveyor speed: Ensure good spray coverage of the grain and adjust the conveyor to produce a shallow, even flow of grain at the point of application. Poor or uneven coverage may reduce the level of control. For grain conveyor rates below 5 tonnes per hour, apply RELDAN 22 in 1.5 litres of water per tonne of grain. At rates above 5 tonnes per hour, apply RELDAN 22 in 0.75 litres of water per tonne of grain. Treatment of grain that is being cooled by continuous extraction of air from the base may lead to depletion of insecticide at the grain surface which will lower the efficacy at the grain store pests, particularly mites.
Note: DO NOT USE TREATED GRAIN FOR SEED. Exclude wildlife from buildings during treatment. At 10 millilitres per tonne of grain no withholding period is required. At 20 millilitres per tonne of grain a withholding period of 90 days must be observed.
Pests: BEETLES/WEEVILS: Saw-toothed grain beetle (Oryzaephilus surinamensis), Merchant grain beetle (Oryzaephilus mercator), Grain weevil (Sitophilus granarius), Rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) , Foreign grain beetle (Ahasverus advena), Rust-red grain beetle (Cryptolestes ferrugineus), Rust-red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum), Lesser grain borer (Rhyzopertha dominica) and Confused flour beetle (Tribolium confusum ) MITES: Common flour mite (Acarus siro), Cosmopolitan food mite (Lepidoglyphus (Glycyphagus) destructor)) and Copra mite (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) MOTHS : Mediterranean flour moth (mill moth / flour moth) (Ephestia kuehniella), Warehouse (cocoa, tobacco) moth (Ephestia elutella) and Indian meal moth (dried fruit moth) (Plodia interpunctella).
Application Rate:200 millilitres per 100 square metres.
Water Volume: 5 to 10 litres of water per 100 square metres.
Timing:When the grain store is empty prior to harvest, clean out old grain, dust and debris as this may harbour insects. Thoroughly clean the grain handling equipment and grain store using a suitable vacuum cleaner or by thorough sweeping. Spray all structural surfaces of the empty grain store (including the roof and floor) and grain handling machinery taking care to treat all crevices and joints including dead spaces around machinery. Where possible this should be done one month before filling the store to permit adequate exposure of the insect population to the insecticide. Apply RELDAN 22 by either: Pneumatic or hydraulic knapsack sprayer with fan spray nozzle Motorised knapsack sprayer Tractor operated spray lance (or contractor’s equivalent equipment Apply 200 millilitres of RELDAN 22 in 5 litres of water per 100 square metres. Spray volume can be increased to 10 litres of water per 100 square metres on porous surfaces if necessary (for example concrete, brick and unpainted wood).
Maximum Number of Applications: 1 prior to use of storage facility/machinery
Note: There is no withholding period associated with the use of RELDAN 22 for pre-harvest hygiene.
Dow AgroSciences Conditions of Supply
All goods supplied by us are of high grade and we believe them to be suitable but, as we cannot exercise control over their storage, handling, mixing or use, or the weather conditions before, during or after application which may affect the performance of the goods, all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality or fitness for any purpose of our goods are excluded. No responsibility will be accepted by us or re-sellers for any failure in performance, damage or injury whatsoever arising from their storage, handling, application or use. These conditions cannot be varied by our staff or agents whether or not they supervise or assist in the use of such goods.
Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Spring barley
Winter barley
Winter rye
Spring rye
Winter triticale
Spring triticale
Spring oats
Winter oats