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A dust formulation containing 100g/kg (10% w/w) tolclofos-methyl for the control of black scurf and stem canker.

GENERAL INFORMATION Rizolex is a dust formulation for use as a seed potato treatment for the control of stem canker and black scurf (Rhizoctonia solani). It controls black scurf on seed tubers and protects against stem canker and black scurf in the daughter crop.

Seed tubers of all potato varieties may be treated.

Rizolex is for use with automatic potato planters only. Good distribution of the fungicide over the tubers is essential. Ensure seed is dry before application of Rizolex. Rizolex should be applied during hopper loading. Half fill with seed, spread the quantity of Rizolex sufficient to treat one hopper over these tubers, then fill the hopper completely with tubers. Agitation in the planter will spread the product uniformly over the seed tubers.

Maximum individual Dose
Do NOT exceed the doses stated. The maximum approved doses for Rizolex on seed potato tubers is 2.5 kg per tonne of potatoes
First earlies:
1.25 kg of Rizolex per tonne of seed tubers.
Second earlies, main and seed crops:
2.5 kg of Rizolex per tonne of seed tubers.

Maximum number of treatments:
One per seed lot.

Rizolex should be applied to the seed tubers during plantation with automatic potato planters (see APPLICATION section).

Latest timing of application
At planting.

Rizolex may be used in sequence after the following liquid treatments:-
Fungazil 100Sl (MAPP 11762) (applied into or out of store)
Storite Flowable (MAPP 08703) (applied into or out of store)
Extract Flowable (MAPP 08704) (applied into or out of store)
Rizolex may not be used in combination with or before or after any other dust treatments to seed potato tubers.

The efficacy of this product may be affected if strains of disease pathogens resistant or less sensitive occur at any time. As such occurrences cannot be predicted, no responsibility can be accepted for the results obtained.

Processed crops
Consult processor before using crops for processing.

Potato planting is a dusty operation and use of Rizolex in windy weather may add to this problem. The use of appropriate respiratory equipment is essential (see Precautions)

Treated tubers
Treated tubers may be used only as seed. They must NOT be used for human or animal consumption. Do NOT treat any seed lot more than once with a tolclofos-methyl product. Treated tubers must be disposed of safely, if not planted.

Hot water treatment
Rizolex is not recommended on potatoes where hot water treatment has been, or will be, used

If a rain shower interrupts planting, the tubers in the hopper should be covered, in accordance with normal practice.

Container disposal
Store empty containers in a secure compound before disposing of them to a site licensed for such waste by the Local Authority. Alternatively, they may be burnt but avoid smoke contaminating people, livestock, crops or property. Consult the DEFRA/HSE publication ‘Pesticides: Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Pesticides on Farms and Holdings’ before undertaking disposal. This container must not be re-used.

Store well away from seeds, fertilisers and animal feeding stuffs in a safe, dry place designated as an agrochemical store.


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