Sacron WG

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

A water-dispersible granule containing 45 % w/w cymoxanil for use in tank mixes against potato blight.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

SACRON WG is for use on potatoes only.
Disease controlled
Potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans)

Crop specific information
Rate of use: 220g product/hectare

Disease control
Successful control of potato blight requires a seasonlong disease prevention policy that integrates cultural measures such as the destruction of ground keepers and potato dumps and commencing the spray before blight infection.
SACRON WG contains the active ingredient cymoxanil, which is locally systemic. SACRON WG should be applied only in tank mixture at the registered dose. However as cymoxanil has a short lasting effect, to provide a protection of maximum 7 days, in practice SACRON WG is to be added to basic preventative contact fungicide programs in a rational way, when the risk is high or when a curative control is required.
The combination of two active ingredients will also help to reduce the selection and build-up of resistance strains of fungi. Potato fungicides may not give complete protection of blight when the incidence of disease is severe.

All varieties of early and maincrop potatoes may be treated. On crops grown for processing consult your processor before use.

Timing of spray applications should take into account the normal prevalence of the disease in the area and conditions of the particular season. The first spray should be applied as soon as there is a risk of blight infection or an official warning is issued. In the absence of warning, spraying should begin just before the crop meets along the rows.
Applications should be repeated every 10-14 day intervals depending on the prevalence of the disease and on whether the conditions are favorable for infection. A 7 day spray interval may be used under exceptional circumstances e.g. when the potato blight risk is high and rain is forecast at the time that the next 10 day spray is due. The longer interval is recommended under dry conditions. Irrigation of crops increases the risk of blight and crops should always be sprayed with SACRON WG tank-mixed with a contact fungicide, as soon as possible after irrigation, subject to the minimum spray interval.

Water volumes
Apply SACRON WG in 300 to 600 l/ha, the higher volumes may be used in thick or dense crops to improve coverage.

Resistance management
When fungicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly over several years in the same field, naturally occurring less sensitive strains may survive, propagate and become dominant in that field. It is therefore advised that spray programs should include fungicides with differing modes of action.

Following crops
Any crop may be sown after a crop treated with SACRON WG.

Spraying equipment should be thoroughly cleaned before spraying. SACRON WG mixes easily with water and should be added directly to the spray tank during filling. Wash out container and add washing to the spray tank. Continue agitation till spraying is complete.

For information on tank mixes consult the UPL website –

Spray tank clean-out
Immediately after application, completely drain spray equipment.
Thoroughly rinse sprayer and flush the hoses, boom nozzles with clean water.
Loosen and physically remove visible deposits.
Remove and clean nozzles, screens and strainers.
Flush the entire system with clean water.
Take all necessary safety precautions when cleaning equipment.
Do not clean near wells or water sources.
Dispose of waste water in accordance with local regulations.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Potatoes220 g14