Sempra XL

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Registration number
Active materials

A residual pre- and post-emergence herbicide effective against a range of weeds in wheat, barley, rye, durum wheat and triticale. Contains 500 g/L (42 % w/w) diflufenican as a suspension concentrate.

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product. SEMPRA XL is a selective herbicide for use pre- or post-emergence up to BBCH 31 in winter wheat, winter barley and spring barley;
pre-emergence up to before 3 leaves unfolded in rye and triticale;early post-emergence in durum wheat and post-emergence on spring wheat up to BBCH 31.

Do not use on crops which are suffering from stress at the time of application, such as nutrient deficiency or pest attack. Do not use on crops if adverse weather is expected, including frost or extended periods of cold weather, drought or if heavy rain is expected within 4 hours of application. Do not apply to crops growing in poor conditions or where soils have greater than 10% organic matter content. Do not use on dry, cracked or waterlogged soils. Do not use on crops grown on sands (Soil Texture [85] System), of those grown on very stony or gravelly soils. If damage is seen in the crop, such as bleaching, this is usually transient and outgrown without affecting yield. Do not overlap spray swaths. Ensure any trash or straw is dispersed or buried before drilling. Soils should have a fine seedbed with no clods which are larger than fist size. Drill crop to a normal depth of 25mm and ensure that the seed is well covered before applying SEMPRA XL. Do not use as a pre-emergence treatment on broadcast crops, or directdrill autumn sown broad-leaved crops if a pre-emergence application has been made in the previous crop. Do not use on crops that are undersown or those due to be undersown. Do not roll autumn crops treated with SEMPRA XL until the spring, and do
not harrow at any time following application. Please refer to ‘Following crops’ section for further advice on succeeding crops and precautions where diflufenican containing products are used in successive cereal crops. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops.

Water Volume
Apply as a MEDIUM spray (BCPC category) in 200-250L water/ha. Qualified recommendation: lower water volumes of 100 L/ha may also be used, however, these have not been supported by effectiveness or crop safety data.

Succeeding crops
Before drilling or planting any following crop it is important to ensure the soil is thoroughly mixed by ploughing to a depth of 15cm first.

Normal harvest: following a normal harvest, only drill winter cereals, oilseed rape, leafy brassicas, field beans, sugar beet seed crops and winter onion in the autumn. In the spring only drill spring crops of wheat, barley, oilseed rape, field beans, peas, sugar beet, potatoes, carrots, edible brassicas or onions.

Crop failure: if the crop fails for any reason in the autumn or winter, only drill winter wheat (excluding durum wheat) and winter barley in the same autumn. Ensure soil is ploughed to a depth of 15cm. In the spring, following crop failure, plough to a depth of 15cm then DO NOT drill until a 12 week period has passed with the following crops: spring crops of wheat, barley, oilseed rape, field beans, peas, sugar beet, potatoes, carrots, edible brassicas or onions. Brassicas may show discolouration of the cotyledon, however, this is usually transient, outgrown and has no effect on yield. Where SEMPRA XL or other products containing diflufenican are applied to successive cereal crops, levels of diflufenican will build up in the soil. Even with ploughing and thoroughly mixing up the soil to a depth of 15cm there may still be a risk of damage to following crops of onions, leeks and related species, or clover. As a precaution, users who rent out their land to growers of these crops should not use DIFLUFENICANcontaining products in successive years before renting out the land.

Before spraying it is important to check all hoses, filters and nozzles, and to ensure that the sprayer is clean and correctly set to give an even application at the correct volume. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and add the required quantity of SEMPRA XL. Top up the sprayer tank with water to the required level, and agitate the mixture thoroughly before and during spraying. Do not leave spray mixture to stand in the tank. Maintain agitation at all times. Wash sprayer thoroughly immediately after use, using a suitable tank cleaner and following the sprayer cleaning guidance provided by the equipment manufacturer. Avoid spray drift onto neighbouring crops.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Spring barley0.25 l0
Winter barley0.25 l0
Winter wheat0.25 l0
Spring wheat0.25 l0
Spring barley0.2 l32
Winter barley0.2 l32
Winter wheat0.2 l32
Spring wheat0.2 l32
Winter rye0.2 l13
Spring rye0.2 l13
Winter triticale0.2 l13
Spring triticale0.2 l13