Serenade ASO

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Active materials

A fungicide for the reduction of fruit damage caused by grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on protected strawberry crops.

Serenade ASO is a broad-spectrum fungicide for the reduction of fruit damage caused by grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on protected strawberry crops, with EAMUs for numerous other crops.

Serenade ASO is the natural step if you want to stay productive with an integrated approach throughout the growing season. Approved on protected strawberries and with EAMUs for numerous other crops, Serenade ASO is based on a unique strain, Bacillus subtilis QST 713. This triggers the plant’s own defences and uses multiple modes of action for broad-spectrum anti-fungal and anti-bacterial protection, as well as physiological boosting effects – with the additional benefit of aiding residue minimisation too.

For maximum effectiveness, Serenade ASO should be applied prior to or in the early stages of disease development. When disease pressure is high, use in rotation with other suitable approved products as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) programme.

Serenade ASO can be applied using hand-held equipment
Best used as part of an ICM programme
Good coverage is essential – use a minimum spray volume of 400 L/ha
Serenade ASO can be tank-mixed

Serenade ASO is best used as part of an ICM programme in rotation with other suitable approved products. Apply prior to or in the early stages of disease development for best efficacy. Late season applications can be useful as part of a residue minimisation strategy.

STRAWBERRY (protected)
Maximum individual dose: 
10.0 L/ha
Maximum number of treatments: 
20 per crop
Latest time of application: 
0 days before harvest

For use in tractor mounted/trailed sprayer and knapsack.
IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the product label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.
Serenade® ASO is a biofungicide containing Bacillus subtilis QST 713, naturally occurring bacteria that are not genetically modified, for the reduction of fruit damage caused by grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) in protected strawberry crops.
It may be applied as a foliar spray alone or in alternating spray programmes with other registered crop protection products. Alternating with fungicides of different modes of action, along with the use of cultural control methods, is advisable for resistance management.

Restrictions and Warnings
Do not apply using irrigation equipment.
For Professional Use only.
Micro-organisms may have the potential to provoke sensitising reactions.

Disease Control
Serenade ASO is for the reduction of fruit damage caused by grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) on protected strawberry crops. For maximum effectiveness, Serenade ASO should be applied prior to or in the early stages of disease development. When disease pressure is high, use Serenade ASO in rotation with suitable approved chemicals.

Crop Recommendations
Serenade ASO is for use on protected strawberry crops.

Application rates
Application rates of Serenade ASO should be 10 L/ha, applied up to every 7 days or in rotation with a suitable approved chemical.

Mixing and Spraying
Before use ensure that all spray equipment is clean.
Add half the volume of water required, and start agitating.
Agitate product container well and add the required amount of Serenade ASO, continue filling spray tank with the required volume of water.
Keep agitating until spraying completed.
All application equipment must be thoroughly cleaned with water prior to storage or use on another crop.
Serenade ASO should be applied in sufficient water to ensure good crop cover, with a minimum of 400 L/ha.
If a knapsack application is used, a dilution rate of 1L Serenade ASO to 40L water should be used, (which will be sufficient coverage of approximately 1/10th ha.).

Serenade ASO is a biological product and so should be treated with some care. It can be stored at room temperature for two years, storage at higher temperatures may reduce its shelf-life.


Registered for culturesRate
Strawberries10 l