
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials
An emulsifiable concentrate containing 250 g/litre (23.8% w/w) pyraclostrobin.
A protectant fungicide with curative properties, for use in winter wheat, winter barley, spring wheat, spring barley and oats.
Tucana is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats.
Yield response may be obtained in the absence of visual disease.
Extreme care must be taken to avoid drift onto nearby crops.
Wash equipment thoroughly after use.
Disease Control
Tucana is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats as summarised below:
Disease:Septoria tritici (See Note 1) 
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
Disease: Septoria nodorum (See Note 2) 
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:MC
Disease:Yellow rust 
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
Disease:Brown rust 
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
Disease:Yellow rust
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
Disease:Brown rust
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
Disease: Net blotch
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:MC
Disease:Crown rust
Rate:Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Critical Comments:C
(C = Control MC = Moderate Control
NOTE 1: S. tritici: Tucana is recommended for control of S. tritici with moderate curative ability in the latent phase.
NOTE 2:S. nodorum: Tucana is recommended for control of S. nodorum with best results achieved when used as a protective treatment or during early stages of disease establishment)
Resistance Management
Tucana contains pyraclostrobin, a member of the QoI cross resistance group. Tucana should be used preventatively and should not be relied on for its curative potential.
On cereal crops, Tucana must always be used in mixture with another product, recommended for control of the same target disease that contains a fungicide from a different cross resistance group and is applied at a dose that will give robust control.
Use Tucana as part of an Integrated Crop Management (ICM) strategy incorporating other methods of control, including where appropriate other fungicides with a different mode of action. *You must not apply more than two foliar applications of QoI containing products to any cereal crop.
There is a significant risk of widespread resistance occurring in Septoria tritici populations in the UK. Failure to follow resistance management action may result in reduced levels of disease control.
Tucana is a fungicide with protectant and curative properties for disease control in winter and spring wheat, winter and spring barley and oats.
Time of Application
Apply Tucana at the start of foliar disease attack. A maximum of two applications can be made before grain watery ripe in winter and spring wheat and up to and including emergence of ear just complete in winter and spring barley and oats.
Rate of Application
Apply 1 litre Tucana in 200 litres of water per hectare.
Mixing and Spraying
Apply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC.
Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. SHAKE THE CONTAINER WELL before use and pour in the required amount of product. Rinse any empty containers thoroughly and add rinsings to the spray tank. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed.
When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank.
All tank mixes should be used immediately after mixing.
Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Winter wheat1 l71
Spring barley1 l0
Winter oats1 l0
Spring wheat1 l71
Winter barley1 l0
Spring oats1 l0