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Active materials

A water dispersible granule (WG) formulation containing 17.5 g/kg (1.75% w/w) benthiavalicarb-isopropyl and 700 g/kg (70% w/w) mancozeb for the control of late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in all crops (early, main and seed) of potatoes

Valbon is a water dispersible granule (WG) formulation containing the active ingredients benthivalicarb and mancozeb. The product is a protectant fungicide for the control of potato late blight, Phytophthora infestans

IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

Timing of application
Valbon is a protectant fungicide that should be applied before infection is seen. The first application should be made before blight enters the crop, irrespective of growth stage. This should be when the first blight warning (Smith period) has been given or when local conditions are favourable to the disease or there is a local source of inoculum such as an old potato dump. In the absence of blight warnings the first application should be made before the foliage meets in the row. Subsequent applications can be made every 7-10 days afterwards, the interval depending on disease pressure. A total of six applications can be made per crop. The final spray should be made no later than 7 days before harvest. It is recommended that users avoid spraying within 6 metres of the field boundary to reduce effects on nontarget insects or other arthropods.

Rate of application
1.6 kg/ha diluted in between 200 – 500 litres of water /ha. Increase the water volume as necessary to ensure thorough coverage of the plant (see section ‘Spray Quality’ below).

Fill the spray tank with half the required amount of clean water and add the product gradually with constant mixing. Top up the sprayer with the remaining required amount of water and maintain mixing/agitation of the spray tank during application.

Spray quality
Valbon works as a contact, protectant fungicide, therefore thorough spray cover is essential to maximise product performance. Use adequate quantities of water and choice of spray nozzles and sufficient pressure to ensure complete coverage of the foliage and stem with a MEDIUM/FINE quality spray (as defined by BCPC).
Use of air assisted sprayers or drop legs could help to improve product coverage, over and above a conventional boom sprayer. Under conditions of high blight pressure, ZinZan (A0600/PCS 92324) at 0.075% or a maximum of 150ml per hectare, may improve “kickback” and speed of penetration when used up to the period of tuber initiation

Resistance management
When applied as part of a programme, use no more than three consecutive applications of Valbon. Include other effective products with different modes of action.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Potatoes1.6 kg7