Dwarf thistle

Cirsium acaule

The dwarf thistle (Cirsium acaulon) is also known as the stemless thistle because the single flower head is down amongst those prickly leaves that form a rosette on the ground. It also has the nickname of picnic thistle because the first time you notice it is when you sit down on the ground to eat your sandwiches when you are out for a walk!

The dwarf thistle is common in Dorset and the rest of the south of England, found primarily on short turfed calcareous soils, so the chalk and limestone of Dorset is ideal for it. Flowering from June until September, when no flower is present it is easy to dismiss it as an emerging creeping thistle.

How to indentif
These thistles generally have just one flower head, with red/purple florets, and a rosette of hairy, spiny leaves.

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