Accelerate A Harvest Aid For Cotton

United Phosphorus
Registered until
Registration number

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Treated Cotton Must Be Harvested By Mechanical Means Only.

ACCELERA TE is a liquid concentrate that when tank mixed with registered cotton harvest aids results in faster and more dependable results. ACCELERATE may be tank mixed with cotton harvest aids such as Defil, Folex, Harvade Starfire, Cyclone Max, Paraquat, Cacodylic Acid, Dropp, Sodium Chlorate, Prep, CottonQuik Roundup, and other registered cotton
harvest aids.

Ground Applications: Apply using a nozzle height of no more than 4 feet above the ground or canopy cover.

Aerial Applications: Do not release spray at a height greater than 14 feet above the ground or canopy. The boom length must not exceed 70% of the wing span or 88% of the rotor blade diameter. When applications are made with a cross-wind, the swath will be displaced downwind. The applicator must compensate for this displacement at the downwind edge of the application area by aJjusting the path of the aircraft upwind. Leave at least one unsprayed swath at the downwind edge ofthe treated field. 

Mixing Instructions:
Always clean the spray tank before mixing. ACCELERATE should be added to the tank last to avoid excessive foaming. Following is a suggested tank mix sequence:
a. Fill tank Yz to % full with water
b. Add wettable powders and/or flowable products
c. Add emulsifiable concentrates
e. Add remaining water slowly
f. Maintain constant agitation during mixing

Read and follow all cautions and limitations of all products tank mixed with ACCELERATE.

ACCELERATE is compatible with most adjuvants. The addition of adjuvants may enhance defoliation. The addition of adjuvants may require rates of defoliants or ACCELERATE to be adjusted to prevent excessive desiccation.
CottonQuik is a trademark of Entec Corporation; Cyclone Max and StarFire are trademarks of Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc.; Def9 is a trademark of Bayer Corporation; Dropp, Folex and Prep are trademarks of Aventis Crop Protection, Inc.; Harvade is a trademark of Uniroyal Chemical; Roundup is a trademark of Monsato Company.

Registered for cultures