
Amvac Chemical
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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. Do not apply Amid-Thin W through any type of irrigation system. Amid-Thin W contains 1-Naphthaleneacetamide and is used to thin many varieties of apples and pears.
x The maximum application rate is 20.9 oz. Amid Thin W (0.11 lbs. active equivalent) per acre per application.
x DO NOT EXCEED 62.7 oz. (0.33 lbs. active equivalent) per acre per year. The maximum annual quantity and per application rate is based on NAA (as acid) equivalent of the active ingredient. Note: Amid-Thin W contains 8.44% NAA or 8.40% 1-napthaleneacetamide (NAD).
x The Pre-Harvest Interval (PHI) is 2 days.
x The minimum Re-Treatment Interval (RTI) is 7 days.
x If the maximum rate of 20.9 oz. Amid Thin (0.11 lbs. active equivalent) is used for application, then th maximum number of applications per year is three. For pears, only two applications per crop cycle are recommended to decrease the risk for pygmy fruit.

PRODUCT INFORMATION: Amid-Thin W contains a synthetic auxin (1-Napthaleneacetamide) which mimics the natural plant hormone, 1-indoleaceticacid and has been widely used in commercial fruit production for thinning to increase fruit size and quality. Amid-Thin W is a relatively mild thinner compared to Fruitone
L (1-Napthaleneacetic acid, sodium salt) but remains active over a longer time period. The response of fruit trees to Amid-Thin W application may vary in
different years. Therefore, the grower needs to review the previous year’s thinning performance in the orchard and take into consideration the existing varieties, prevailing and anticipated weather conditions, location, tree vigor, fruit set potential, pollination and other factors before choosing the desired use rate and timing of application.
Importance of Spray Volume: It is important to use sufficient water to ensure uniform spray coverage. The appropriate spray volume (e.g. based on tree row volume) can be determined by the type of equipment used, density of the foliage, tree spacing, coverage desired and intended spray pattern. For ground applications, use 100-300 gallons of spray solution per acre. Consider all variables in rate and application timing for each variety and orchard location prior to
establishing the thinning program.

DIRECTIONS FOR MIXING: Prepare sufficient spray mixture to ensure thorough coverage of trees. When using AmidThin W, fill the tank with water, turn on the agitator and then add Amid-Thin W followed by other compatible products.
Keep under constant agitation during spray operations. Tank mixtures of reduced-rate combinations of Amid-Thin W and products including Carbaryl (e.g. Sevin
4F and Sevin XLR Plus), Ethephon (Ethrel ) or 6-benzyladenine (MaxCel have been used to enhance thinning. Do not tank mix Amid-Thin W with any product containing a label restriction against such mixing. It is the pesticide user’s responsibility to ensure that all products are registered for the intended use. Read and follow the applicable restrictions, limitations and directions for use on all product labels involved in tank mixing. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture. Always apply in accordance with the limitations and precautions of the most restrictive label and always test any tank-mix for efficacy, compatibility and phytotoxicity prior to large scale use (see below).
PRODUCT COMPATIBILITY: Amid-Thin W, when diluted with the directed amount of water, is physically compatible with a wide range of commonly used spray products. However, the full range of compatibility under local conditions must be established by the grower. It is advised that growers premix a small quantity of the desired tank mix and observe for possible adverse changes (settling out, flocculation, etc.). Avoid mixtures of several materials and very concentrated spray mixtures. Observe all precautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in any tank mix and ensure that there is always proper agitation in the tank. Please consult your local Extension agent or Pomologist for local directions or when tank mixing any product you have not previously used with Amid-Thin W. In addition, to ensure plant safety, always test spray on a few sample trees prior to the use of a tank mix that you have not previously used.

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