Anu 2, 4-D

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Active materials

Product Overview

Anu 2, 4-D (Anu Products Limited) (2, 4-D Sodium Salt 80% WP) is a selective herbicide formulated with 80% 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) as its active ingredient. It is a versatile and effective solution for controlling a wide range of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in various agricultural crops, including wheat, maize, citrus, and grapes.

Mode of Action

2, 4-D, the active component in Anu 2, 4-D, works by mimicking the plant hormone auxin, which regulates plant growth and development. When applied to plants, 2, 4-D disrupts auxin signaling pathways, leading to uncontrolled cell division and ultimately death of the plant.

Application Timing and Method

Anu 2, 4-D can be applied as both a pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicide. For pre-emergence application, it is ideal to apply before weed seeds germinate. For post-emergence application, it should be applied when weeds are actively growing and have reached a height of at least 5-10 cm. Anu 2, 4-D can be applied either by broadcasting or band application. The recommended dosage varies depending on the crop, soil type, and weed pressure.

Benefits of Anu 2, 4-D

Anu 2, 4-D offers several advantages as a weed control solution:

  • Effective control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds

  • Selective action, minimizing harm to non-target plants

  • Long residual effect, providing protection for several weeks

  • Safe for use in a variety of crops

  • Easy to apply and low application rates

  • Environmentally friendly, with minimal impact on non-target organisms

Precautions and Safety

Anu 2, 4-D is classified as a moderately hazardous pesticide. It is important to follow proper safety precautions when handling and applying the product, including:

  • Wear personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, goggles, and overalls

  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes

  • Do not apply in windy conditions

  • Dispose of empty containers and unused product appropriately


Anu 2, 4-D is a valuable tool for effective weed management in various agricultural settings. Its broad-spectrum control, crop safety, ease of application, and favorable environmental profile make it a preferred choice among farmers and lawn care professionals. By effectively controlling broadleaf weeds, Anu 2, 4-D helps optimize crop yields, maintain healthy turfgrass, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of ornamental gardens and landscapes.

Registered for culturesRate
Citrus0.5 - 2 kg
Corn0.75 - 2 kg
Sugarcane1 - 2.5 kg
Winter wheat0.5 - 1 kg
Spring wheat0.5 - 1 kg