ARY 0485-001

Arysta LifeScience
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This product is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of sedges and select broadleaf weeds.
Treated broadleaf weeds are controlled mainly through contact action. Thorough coverage is essential for broadleaf weed control. Broadleaf weed control is enhanced by periods of sunlight and warm temperatures and higher humidity. Avoid contact of this product with sensitive broadleaf crops, such as cotton, sugar beet, or sunflower as these and other crops will be injured or killed.

For resistance management, ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE is an Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) Group C3 Herbicide, a photosynthesis II inhibitor (WSSA Group 6). Any weed population may contain or develop plants naturally resistant to an herbicidal mode of actio.n. Resistant biotypes can eventually dominate the weed population if herbicides with an identical mode of action are used repeatedly on the same site. If this happens, control of resistant biotypes will not occur unless an herbicide with a different mode of action is utilized. Whenever possible, tank mix or rotate the use of ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE with herbicides that have a different mode of action. Repeated use of ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE (or similar postemergence herbicides with the same mode of action -
photosynthesis II inhibitor) may lead to the selection of naturally occurring biotypes that are resistant to these products in some species.
If poor performance occurs and cannot be attributed to adverse weather or application conditions, a resistant biotype may be present. Where other control strategies, such as crop rotation, mechanical mremoval, and other classes of herbicides are not used in fields from year to year, this is most likely to occur.
Other resistance mechanisms that are not linked to site of action, but specific for individual chemicals, such as enhanced metabolism, may also exist. The use of ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE should conform to resistance management strategies established for the use area. Consult with your chemical dealer, consultant, agricultural extension specialist or agricultural advisor for resistance management strategies for your area.
Read the entire DIRECTIONS FOR USE before using ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE

• Always read and follow label directions of all products. Always follow the most restrictive label language for all products whether used alone or in a tank mix. The most restrictive label language of any product used applies in tank mixtures, including all crop rotational and other crop restrictions.
• For use only in: Beans and peas (dry shelled and succulent)1, clover grown for seed, corn, peanuts, peas, peppermint, rice, sorghum, soybeans (and vegetable soybean - edamame), and spearmint.
• Do not apply by chemigation or through any type of irrigation system.
• Do not apply to crops subjected to stress conditions such as hail damage, flooding, drought, injury from other herbicides, or widely fluctuating temperatures, as crop injury may result.
• Do not apply to crops that show injury (leaf phytotoxicity or plant stunting) produced by any other prior herbicide applications, because this injury may be enhanced or prolonged.
• Do not apply if rain is expected within 4 hours of application. Rainfall within 4 hours after application may reduce broadleaf weed control.
• Do not apply more than 4 pints of ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE per acre per season.
• Do not apply a total of 2 Ib ai (Bentazon) for all crops per season.
Bean and pea (dry shelled and succulent) crops approved for use with this product include: adzuki bean, black turtle bean, cranberry bean, dry snap bean, English pea, garden pea, great northern bean, kidney bean, lima (dry) bean, navy bean, pink bean, pinto bean, red bean, southern pea, and white bean.

Ensure the spray tank is clean. In -line strainers and nozzle screens should be clean and 50 mesh or coarser.
1. Fill clean spray tank 1/2 to 2/3 of desired level with clean water.
2. While agitating, add nitrogen fertilizer adjuvant.
3. Add in water-dispersible product and / or water-soluble product tank mix partners if necessary and mix thoroughly.
4. Add the correct amount of ARY 0485-001 HERBICIDE.
5. Add any additional adjuvants (emulsifiable concentrates, crop oil concentrates, nonionic surfactants and or water-soluble additives) if necessary.
6. Fill spray tank to desired level with water.
7. Maintain sufficient agitation during both mixing and application.
8. Apply within 48 hours after mixing. Compatibility - verify tank mix partner mixing and compatibility qualities by conducting a jar test.

Ground Application, Water Volume: Use 10-20 gallons of spray solution per broadcast acre for optimal performance. Spray Pressure: Use a minimum of 40 psi (measured at the boom, not at the pump or in the line). Note: When using the lower volume (i.e., 10 gallons per acre) or when crop and weed foliage is dense, use a minimum of 60 psi for best results.
Application Equipment: Use standard high-pressure pesticide flat fan or hollow cone nozzles spaced up to 20 inches apart. Do not use flood, whirl chamber, or controlled droplet applicator (CDA) nozzles as erratic coverage can cause inconsistent weed control. Do not use selective application equipment such as recirculating sprayers or wiper applicators. Good coverage is essential for maximum control.

Use a minimum of 5 gallons of spray solution per acre. If foliage becomes dense, increase spray volumes up to 10 gallons.
In Mint 10 gallons of solution per acre should be applied.
Use only diaphragm-type nozzles that produce cone or fan spray patterns. Nozzles must not be more than 10 feet above the crop. Nozzles must be oriented to discharge straight back with the air stream (opposite the direction of travel of the aircraft) or at some angle between straight back and straight down.
To obtain uniform coverage and to avoid drift hazards, follow these guidelines:
Do not apply by aircraft when wind is blowing more than 10 mph
Use coarse sprays (larger droplets) as they are less likely to drift
Do not apply by air if sensitive broadleaf species (such as cotton, sugar beets, sunflowers, or okra) are within 200 feet downwind
The applicator must follow the most restrictive use cautions to avoid drift hazards, including those found in this labeling as well as applicable state and local regulations and ordinances.

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