Badge X2

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

BADGE X2 may be applied as an aerial, ground dilute or ground concentrate spray unless specifically directed otherwise in the specific crop use directions.
The per acre use rate of BADGE X2 is applicable for both dilute and concentrate spraying. Depending upon the equipment used and the specific crop, the spray volume applied per acre will differ. Refer to Minimum Recommended Spray Volume Table. Complete spray coverage is essential to ensure optimum performance from BADGE X2. When treating by aerial application or with low volume application equipment, unless you have had specific previous experience, it is advisable to test for compatibility and tolerance to crop injury prior to full scale commercial utilization.
Consult the BADGE X2 label for specific rates and timing of application by crop. Where application rates and intervals are provided in a range (e.g. 4 to 12 pounds and 7 to 10 days), the higher rates and shorter spray intervals are recommended when rainfall is heavy and/or disease pressure is high. Use the higher rates for large mature tree crops.
The pre harvest interval (PHI) for Badge X2 is 0 days for all crops. Reentry into treated areas and harvest of treated crops can be performed when wearing required PPE during the 24 hour REI for greenhouse and 48 hour REI for field applications.

x BADGE X2 must not be applied in a spray solution having a pH of less than 6.5 as phytotoxicity may occur.
x Do not tank mix BADGE X2 with Aliette fungicide for use on any registered crops or ornamentals unless appropriate precautions have been taken to buffer the spray solution because severe phytotoxicity may result. Use in accordance with the most restrictive of label limitations and precautions. Do not exceed label dosage rates. This product cannot be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing.
x This product may be reactive on masonry and metal surfaces such as galvanized roofing. Avoid contact with metal surfaces. Do not spray on cars, houses, lawn furniture, or other metallic surfaces.
x Environmental conditions such as extended periods of wet weather, acid rain, etc. which alter the pH of the leaf surface may affect the performance of BADGE X2 resulting in possible phytotoxicity or loss of effectiveness.
x Agricultural chemicals may perform in an unpredictable manner when tank mixed, especially where several products are involved. Reduced effect on pests or crop injury may occur. Unless directed on this label or by a state/local expert, it is advisable to test for compatibility and potential crop injury prior to commercial use of a new tank mix; otherwise do not tank mix.
x It must be determined if proper application equipment is available and if waste associated with its use can be properly handled. Agricultural chemicals are often reactive with the materials used in the construction of application equipment such as aluminum, rubber and some synthetic materials. This factor should be taken into consideration when selecting proper application equipment. It is necessary that all application equipment be thoroughly flushed with clean water after each day’s use.
x Do not apply this product through any irrigation (chemigation) system using aluminum parts or components as damage to the system may occur. Such application is prohibited regardless of whether the irrigation system is flushed with water after use of this product.
x Apply this product only through one or more of the following types of systems: sprinkler, including center pivot, lateral move, traveler, big gun, or plastic pipe solid set system(s) which contain no aluminum parts or components. Do not apply this product through any other type of irrigation system.
x While volume is important in obtaining full spray coverage, often factors such as foliage density, environmental conditions and sprayer calibration have a greater impact. Always be sure that sprayers are calibrated to spray equipment manufacturer’s specifications and environmental conditions are within those recommended by State and local regulatory authorities.
x When mixing, fill the spray tank one-half full with water. Add BADGE X2 slowly to tank while hydraulic or mechanical agitation is operating and continue filling with water. DO NOT PREMIX or SLURRY BADGE X2. Spreaders, stickers, insecticides, nutrients, etc. should be added last. If compatibility is in question, use the Compatibility Jar Test before mixing a whole tank or contact your chemical supplier. Observe all precautions and limitations on the labels of all products used in mixtures.

Registered for cultures
Spring barley
Winter barley
Spring oats
Winter oats
Sugar beets