BAS 500 20 F

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Active materials

General Information
This package contains BAS 500 20 F fungicide an aqueous capsule suspension The active ingredient in BAS 500 20 F pyraclostrobin is a member of the strobil
urm class of chemistry and is derived from a natural antifungal substance Preventive applications optimize dis ease control resulting in improved plant health
To maximize disease control apply BAS 500 20 F in a regularly scheduled protective spray program and use in a rotation program with other fungicides Because of its high specific activity BAS 500 20 F has good residual activity against target fungi BAS 500 20 F is not for use in greenhouse or transplant production

Mode of Action
Pyraclostrobin the active ingredient of BAS 500 20 F belongs to the group of respiration inhibitors classified by the I) S EPA and Canada PMRA as Quinone Outside
Inhibitors (Qol) or target site of action Group 11 fungicides

Resistance Management
BAS 500 20 F contains pyraclostrobin a Group 11 fungicide and is effective against pathogens resistant to fungicides with modes of action different from those of Qol fungicides (target site Group 11) such as dicarboximides sterol inhibitors benzimidazoles or phenylamides Fungal isolates resistant to Group 11 fungicides such as pyraclostrobin azoxystrobin fluoxastrobin tnfloxystrobin and kresoxim methyl may eventually dominate the fungal population if Group 11 fungicides are used predominantly and repeatedly in the same field in successive years as the primary method of control for the targeted pathogen species This may result in reduction of disease control by BAS 500 20 F or other Group 11 fungicides Follow label instructions regarding the use of BAS 500 20 F or other tar get site of action Group 11 fungicides that have a similar site of action on the same pathogens
When using a Group 11 fungicide as a solo product the number of applications must be no more than 1/3 of the total number of fungicide applications per season
In programs in which tank mixes or pre mixes of a Group 11 fungicide with a fungicide of another group are utilized the number of Group 11 fungicide (Qol) containing applications should be no more than 1/2 of the total number of fungicide applications per season In programs in which applications of Group 11 fungicides are made with both solo products and mixtures the number of Group 11 fungicide (Qol) containing applications should be no more than 1/2 of the total number of fungicide applications per season

Resistance Management Advisory
The following recommendations may be considered to delay the development of fungicide resistance 1 Tank mixtures Use tank mixtures with effective fungi
cides from different target site of action groups that are registered/permitted for the same use and that are effec tive against the pathogens of concern Use at least the minimum labeled rates of each fungicide in the tank mix 2 IPM Integrate BAS 500 20 F fungicide into an overall disease and pest management program Follow cultural practices known to reduce disease development Consult your local extension specialist certified crop advisor and/or BASF representative for additional IPM strategies established for your area 3 Monitoring Monitor efficacy of all fungicides used in the disease management program against the targeted path ogen and record other factors that may influence fungi cide performance and/or disease development If a Group 11 target site fungicide such as BAS 500 20 F appears to be less effective against a pathogen that it previously controlled or suppressed contact a BASF rep resentative local extension specialist or certified crop advisor for further investigation

Application Instructions
Apply rate of BAS 500 20 F as instructed in BAS 500 20 F fungicide Crop specific Requirements Apply BAS 500 20 F with ground sprayer aerial equipment or
through sprinkler irrigation equipment Check equipment fre quently for calibration Under low level disease conditions the minimum application rates can be used while maximum application rates and shortened spray schedules are recommended for severe or threatening disease conditions
The use of a crop oil or adjuvant may be used to improve spray coverage Refer to the adjuvant product label for spe cific use directions and restrictions For optimum results in cases of high disease pressure use a minimum spray vol ume of 4 gpa
Consult a BASF representative or local agricultural authority for more information concerning additives

Cleaning Spray Equipment
Spraying equipment must be cleaned thoroughly before and after applying this product particularly if a product with the potential to injure crops was used prior to BAS 500 20 F

Ground Application
Apply BAS 500 20 F in sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage of foliage Thorough coverage is required for opti mum disease control.

Registered for cultures