Biocover 115

Loveland Products
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It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. Aerial application of this product is prohibited. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Use only in equipment with sufficient agitation to keep spray thoroughly mixed. Be sure tank is clean. With agitator running, start filling tank with water; add oil when tank is about 1/2 full. Pump this mixture through the overflow and back into tank for about two minutes. If this mixture turns white, it indicates good emulsification. Fill the tank with water, adding other desired materials as tank is filling. If wettable powders are used, add and thoroughly mix them before adding oil. Observe all cautions and limitations on labeling of all products used in mixtures. Keep agitator running at all times. If an injector is used, first add 25 to 50 gals. of water to tank with engine running to provide good pressure. Put injector suction tube into the measured amount of spray oil, opening injector valve to allow the oil to be sucked into the tank, then fill the tank with water.

Preharvest Interval - This product may be used up to the day of harvest.
For optimal coverage, dilute applications (greater than 150 gallons of spray solution per acre) are recommended. Concentrate applications (usually from 20 to150 gallons of spray solution) may reduce the coverage and thus the effectiveness. Application volumes depend on the crop type, crop size and target pest. Adjust the spray volume to obtain full coverage without runoff. Extreme care should be taken when using concentrate sprays as the potential for enhanced crop phytotoxicity is increased. A concentrate application can provide satisfactory results as long as the spray unit is properly engineered, calibrated and operated.
Use efficient equipment of the proper type. Do not spray during or immediately prior to hot or freezing weather (over 95°F. or under 32°F.), hot dry winds, rain or other unsuitable conditions. Do not overspray or double spray. Plants should be sprayed only when in vigorous condition and when their moisture condition is suitable. Before using, make certain spray tank is free of sulfur residues. Do not apply sulfur within 30 days of use of this oil except in the
Northwest (Oregon and Washington) where it may be used in combination on Pears as a Post Harvest (after old fruit is off the tree), Dormant and Delayed Dormant (before the scales slip, or at or prior to bud swell) treatment and on Apples prior to or up to the Delayed Dormant (1/2 inch green) period. In areas west of the Continental Divide, do not apply this oil within 60 days after a Captan treatment; and do not apply Captan within 90 days after this oil. In areas
east of the Continental Divide, do not apply this oil within 10 days after a Captan treatment; and do not apply Captan vwithin 10 days after this oil. If in doubt, spray a portion of one tree previously treated with Sulfur or Captan using 1 vquart to 25 gallons water. Burn will show in several days if sufficient time has not elapsed. This product has not been tested on all species or varieties. Before treating a large area, treat a small area and observe prior to full scale application. Do not use any of the following within 14 days before or after an application of this product: anilazine (Dyrene), chlorothalonil (Bravo), dicloran (Botran), dicofol (Kelthane), Dikar, dinocap (Karathane), permethrin (Ambush, Pounce).Do not use chlorothalonil (Bravo) or dimethoate (Cygon) in a spray program with this product on grapes, ornamentals and strawberries. Do not use dicofol (Kelthane) in a spray program with this product on ornamentals and strawberries. Do not use propargite (Omite) with an oil spray or within 30 days before or after an oil spray.


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