- Manufacturer
- Albaugh
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- Registration expired
- Registration number
- 42750-50
- Links
- LabelView
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift.
Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
When tank-mixing or sequentially applying atrazine or products containing atrazine to corn or sorghum.
Do not exceed an application rate of 2.0 pounds active ingredient of atrazine for any single application and the total pounds of atrazine applied (Ib a.L per acre) must not exceed 2.5 pounds active ingredient per acre per year.
ANY USE OF THIS PRODUCT IN AN AREA WHERE USE IS PROHIBITED IS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW. Before using this product, you must consult the Atrazine Watershed Information Center (AWIC) to determine whether the use of this product is prohibited in your watershed. AWIC can be accessed through []. or [1-866-365-3014]. If use of this product is prohibited in your watershed, you may return this product to your pOint of purchase or contact Albaugh for a refund.
Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.
When tank-mixing or sequentially apply atrazine or products containing atrazine to corn or sorghum, the total pounds of atrazine applied (Ibs ai/A) must not exceed 2.5 pounds active ingredient per year.
BROXTM-At contains the equivalent of 1 pound per gallon of octanoic acid ester of bromoxynil and 2 [bs. per gal. of atrazine. BROXTM-At is a selective postemergence herbicide for control of important broad[eaf weeds infesting field corn, popcorn, and sorghum. Optimum weed control is obtained when BROXTM-At is applied to actively growing weed seedlings. BROXTM-At is primarily a contact herbicide, therefore thorough coverage of the weed seedlings is essential for optimum control. BROXTM-At has limited residual activity. However, dependent on weather conditions following application, subsequent flushes of weeds may notbe controlled by the initial treatment.
Occasional transitory leaf burn may occur. The temporary leaf burn is similar to that seen with liquid fertilizer. Because the activity of BROX TM_At is not systemic, recovery of the crop is generally rapid with no lasting effect.
Registered for cultures |
Corn |
Sorghum |