Butyric 175 Herbicide

Loveland Products
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APPLICATION: For use in seedling alfalfa, spray when the crop has reached the 1 to 2 trifoliate leaf stage and growing conditions are good. In established alfalfa certain weeds will emerge in the fall and over winter in a rosette stage. Best control of these weeds will result from application in late fall or early winter rather than in the spring.
Do not apply after flowering.
WHEN TO APPLY: Weeds must be in the young seedling stage and actively growing to achieve satisfactory results. For best results spray weeds in the 2 to 5 leaf stage of growth.
AMOUNT TO USE: Apply Butyric 175 Herbicide as an overall spray by ground sprayer or airplane. Apply at rates listed below according to weed problems. Use the higher rate listed below if weeds are past the seedling stage.
Make aerial applications in a minimum of 5 gallons of water per acre. Make ground sprayer applications in a minimum of 10 gallons of water per acre. Higher spray gallonage per acre will give better coverage and weed control. Spray gallonage should give adequate coverage of the weeds without run-off. The use of a non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate approved for agricultural uses at their label rates will usually result in better weed control, especially if weeds are beyond the seedling stage.

APPLICATION: Apply Butyric 175 Herbicide post emergent as an overall spray by ground sprayer or airplane. With ground applications use a boom sprayer with flat fan-type nozzle. Adjust the height of the boom above the crop so the growing terminals of weeds are sprayed. Use low pressure (about 20 to 40 Ibs. per square inch). Do not use boom jet nozzles. With airplane applications Butyric 175 Herbicide has been successfully applied using 5 gallons of total solution per acre. The height of the application should insure THOROUGH COVERAGE of the tops of the weeds. Best control has resulted from airplane application with coarse spray when cocklebur is at least crop high and actively growing. Other weed species should be in the seedling stage and actively growing. Do not make air application in a manner that will damage or kill non-target susceptible crops. Do not apply if peanuts are suffering from lack of moisture.

APPLICATION: Apply Butyric 175 Herbicide post emergent as an overall spray by ground sprayer or airplane. With ground application use a boom sprayer with flat fan-type nozzles. Adjust the height of the boom above the crop so the growing terminals of all weeds are sprayed. Use low pressure (about 20 to 40 Ibs. per square inch). Do not use boom jet nozzles. With airplane applications Butyric 175 Herbicide has been successfully applied using 5 gallons of total spray solution per acre. The height of the application should insure thorough coverage of the tops of the weeds. Best control has resulted when cocklebur is at least crop high and actively growing. Airplane application is not recommended in the vicinity of susceptible crops. Do not apply if soybeans are suffering from lack of moisture.

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