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Buzz is a selective pre-emergence herbicide containing 70% metribuzin as the active ingredient. It is a water-dispersible granule (WG) formulation that is recommended for the control of a wide range of annual broadleaf weeds and grasses in cotton, maize, vegetables, and fruits.

Metribuzin is a triazine herbicide that acts by inhibiting the synthesis of RNA and DNA in plant cells. This prevents the weeds from germinating and growing. Buzz is a fast-acting herbicide that provides long-lasting control of annual broadleaf weeds and grasses.

Buzz is effective against the following weeds:

Cotton: Annual grasses (crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass), annual broadleaf weeds (pigweed, lambsquarters, cocklebur) Maize: Annual grasses (crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass), annual broadleaf weeds (pigweed, lambsquarters, cocklebur) Vegetables: Annual grasses (crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass), annual broadleaf weeds (pigweed, lambsquarters, cocklebur) Fruits: Annual grasses (crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass), annual broadleaf weeds (pigweed, lambsquarters, cocklebur)

Buzz should be applied before or after planting, but before the weeds emerge. It can be applied by broadcast application or band application. The recommended application rate varies depending on the crop and the type of weeds to be controlled.

Buzz is generally safe for use on crops and non-crop plants, but it is important to follow the label directions carefully to avoid crop injury.

Benefits of using Buzz herbicide:

  • Selective pre-emergence herbicide that is effective against a wide range of annual broadleaf weeds and grasses
  • Fast-acting and long-lasting control
  • Low application rates
  • Generally safe for use on crops and non-crop plants
  • Water-dispersible granule (WG) formulation is easy to mix and apply

Instructions for use:

  1. Apply Buzz before or after planting, but before the weeds emerge.
  2. Apply Buzz by broadcast application or band application.
  3. The recommended application rate varies depending on the crop and the type of weeds to be controlled.
  4. Follow the label directions carefully to avoid crop injury.

Disclaimer: Buzz is a restricted use pesticide. Only certified applicators are allowed to purchase and use this product.

Here are some additional tips for applying Buzz herbicide:

  • Follow the label directions carefully.
  • Apply Buzz in the morning or evening when the air is still and the soil is moist.
  • Avoid applying Buzz on windy days, as this can reduce its effectiveness.
  • Make sure that the soil is well-prepared before applying Buzz.
  • Incorporate Buzz into the top 2 inches of soil after application.
  • Water the soil after applying Buzz to activate the herbicide.
  • Do not apply Buzz to crops that are stressed from drought, heat, or disease.

It is also important to follow all safety precautions when applying Buzz herbicide. Wear protective clothing, including gloves, goggles, and a long-sleeved shirt, and pants. Avoid breathing in the spray mist. If you do come into contact with Buzz, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water.

Registered for cultures
Winter wheat
Spring wheat