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For control of selected insects, including Dipterous leafminers (Liriomyza species) and fungus gnats, in landscape ornamentals; container-grown ornamentals; greenhouse-, lathhouse-, and shadehouse-grown ornamental bedding plants and ornamental crops; and interiorscapes; and shore flies, in greenhouse ornamental crops and interjorscapes only.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for culturesRate
Broccoli2.66 oz
Brussels sprouts2.66 oz
Cabbage2.66 oz
Bok choy2.66 oz
Chinese broccoli2.66 oz
Gai Choy2.66 oz
Chinese cabbage2.66 oz
Cauliflower2.66 oz
Kale2.66 oz
Kohlrabi2.66 oz
Mizuna2.66 oz
Mustard greens2.66 oz
Mustard spinach2.66 oz
Rape greens2.66 oz
Garlic2.66 oz
Leeks2.66 oz
Shallots2.66 oz
Onions2.66 oz
Chayote2.66 oz
Waxgourds2.66 oz
Citron melons2.66 oz
Cucumbers2.66 oz
Gherkins2.66 oz
Melons2.66 oz
Cantaloupe2.66 oz
Pumpkins2.66 oz
Squash2.66 oz
Watermelon2.66 oz
Amaranth2.66 oz
Arugula2.66 oz
Cardoon2.66 oz
Celery2.66 oz
Celtuce2.66 oz
Chervil2.66 oz
Corn salad2.66 oz
Cress2.66 oz
Endive2.66 oz
Finocchio, florence fennel2.66 oz
Lettuce2.66 oz
New zealand spinach2.66 oz
Orach, atriplex2.66 oz
Parsley2.66 oz
Purslanes2.66 oz
Radicchio2.66 oz
Rhubarbs2.66 oz
Spinach2.66 oz
Peppers2.66 oz
Tomatoes2.66 oz