Contac T-85

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SUCKER-PLUCKER Concentrate is a carefully balanced combination of active ingredients and wetting agents (surfactants) to be used for the control of sucker growth on all types of Tobacco. The concentrated product is diluted with water to form a creamy emulsion which is applied as a coarse spray. The emulsion is effective only when it comes in direct contact with the suckers. Wet the sides of the Tobacco stalk with the spray and contact all small, immature suckers. This product is a contact material, thus, if plants are leaning it is necessary to straightenthose plants so the emulsion flows down the stalk evenly and contacts each sucker axil or sucker bud. This material can be used alone, or.may be followed by a systemic sucker control agent in a dual treatment program.

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do nbt apply thisproduct through any type of irrigation system. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or otherpersons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application'. Forany requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation

This product may be applied either before or after topping at the button to early flower stage. Best results are usually obtained by making the first application before topping, and as soon as 50 to 60 percent of the plants have a visible button. Floral parts help to intercept sprays increasing sucker control in the upper leaf axils. Remove Tobacco plant terminals that are in the elongated button stage as soon as possible after the first application. Thisproduct is most effective when applied at 3 to 5 day intervals and when humidity is low and leaf axils are fully exposed. Optimum time for application is generally between 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. on sunny days. The best results are obtained when plants are sprayed in the morning after the dew dries or in the afternoon when the -plants-have-reeovered-from-wilt—Some-injury-may-oceur-to-tendeHeaves-at-the top-of-the-plants-from an application of this product under bright sunlight at temperatures above 90°F. Injury may result if this product is applied to the underside of Tobacco leaves during high winds sufficient enough to turn leaves and such applications are not recommended. Do not apply during rain or to wet plants. If this material has been applied to Tobacco plants for over one hour prior to rain or irrigation, reapplication should not be necessary.

The diluted emulsion is most easily prepared by adding the required amount of this product into the spray tank one-half filled with water using mild agitation. Then add sufficient water to the spray tank to total the required minimum solution.
Note: In order to minimize the possibility of injury to Tobacco plants, do not mix this product with other Tobacco chemicals such as insecticides, fungicides and herbicides, or apply this product to plants that have recently been treated with such chemicals. 

Flue-cured and Burley Tobacco: For the first application, dilute this product at the rate of 1.75 to 2 gallons in sufficient water to total a minimum of 50 gallons spray solution. For the second application in Flue-cured Tobacco, the rate of this product may be increased by diluting 2.5'gallons in sufficient water to total a minimum of 50 gallons spray solution 3 to 5 days after the first application. For extended sucker control, this product.may be applied as needed, but not to exceed 7 times per crop, at the rate of 2.5 gallons in sufficient water totaling a minimum of 50 gallons of spray solution. Applications may also be made under optimum growing conditions and heavy sucker pressure applied weekly 3 to 4 weeks after maleic hydrazide has been applied.
Dark Tobacco: Dilute this product at the rate of 2 to 2.5 gallons in sufficient water totaling a minimum of 50 gallons of spray solution. Apply the specified lower rate when optimum growing conditions exist and leaves are tender. Otherwise, apply the specified higher rate. When applied by hand, 1 gallon of diluted product will treat approximately 250 plants. If a power sprayer is used, apply a minimum of 50 gallons spray solution per acre.

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