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Cracker (Crystal Crop Protection) is a selective post-emergence herbicide containing the active ingredients Penoxsulam 1.02% + Cyhalofop-butyl 5.1% OD. It is specifically designed to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds and grassy weeds in rice crops.

Key Features of Cracker (Crystal Crop Protection):

  • Broad-spectrum weed control: Effectively controls a wide range of weeds, including Echinochloa colona, Echinochloa crus-galli, Cyperus iria, Leptochloa chinensis, Fimbristylis miliacea, and broadleaf weeds such as Ludwigia octovalvis.

  • Selective action: Cracker is selective for rice crops, providing effective weed control without harming the desired crop.

  • Dual-mode action: Cracker combines the action of two active ingredients, Penoxsulam and Cyhalofop-butyl, to provide both pre-emergence and post-emergence control of weeds.

  • Safe for the environment: Cracker is considered safe for the environment and has a low impact on beneficial insects and non-target organisms.

Benefits of using Cracker (Crystal Crop Protection):

  • Enhanced crop yield and quality: By controlling weeds that compete with rice for nutrients and sunlight, Cracker promotes better crop growth and yield, leading to improved productivity and quality.

  • Reduced weed pressure: Effective weed management reduces the overall weed population in the field, minimizing competition and improving crop performance.

  • Integrated weed management: Cracker can be incorporated into integrated weed management (IWM) programs for effective weed control in rice crops.


Cracker can be applied either pre-emergence or early post-emergence. The recommended application rate is 330 ml per acre, and the timing is pre-emergence or up to 15 days after crop emergence. Refer to the product label for specific application instructions.


  • Use only as directed: Follow the label instructions carefully and use Cracker only on crops and weeds as specified.

  • Prevent spray drift: Avoid drift to non-target crops and sensitive areas by using appropriate spraying techniques and adjusting nozzles.

  • Wear protective gear: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, and long-sleeved clothing, when handling Cracker.

  • Minimize exposure: Wash thoroughly after handling Cracker and avoid contact with skin and eyes.

  • Safe storage and disposal: Store Cracker in its original container in a cool, dry place, away from food, feed, and children's reach. Dispose of empty containers according to local regulations.

Always read and follow the label instructions carefully before using Cracker (Crystal Crop Protection).

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