Cruiser PD

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Cruiser PD is a systemic seed treatment insecticide belonging to the neonicotinoid class of chemistry. Cruiser PD provides protection against certain chewing and sucking insects following contact and ingestion. Specifically, Cruiser PD is shown to provide early season protection against injury by thrips, aphids, wireworm, white grubs, and the suppression of threecornered alfalfa hopper and plant bugs.
For protection against certain diseases Cruiser PD may be applied along with labelled fungicides. Consult professional applicators or university extension service for approved fungicides.
The end product that combines Cruiser PD with labelled fungicides must be tested for seed safety to determine any detrimental effects on seed germination or plant stand establishment. Pre-test the germination of a small sample of seed lot with Cruiser PD prior to large scale commercial application.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

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