CruiserMaxx Vibrance Cereals

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CruiserMaxx Vibrance Cereals is a seed treatment product containing the active ingredients: thiamethoxam (insecticide) and sedaxane, difenoconazole and mefenoxam (fungicides). CruiserMaxx Vibrance Cereals seed treatment protects against damage from certain early season insects and also protects against certain seed- and soil-borne diseases of cereal crops.
Thiamethoxam is a systemic seed treatment insecticide belonging to the neoticotinoid class of chemistry. Thiamethoxam protects against certain chewing and sucking insects through contact and ingestion.
CruiserMaxx Vibrance Cereals is a systemic seed dressing that provides protection against certain seed-borne, soilborne, and early season foliar diseases of wheat, barley and triticale. Sedaxane enhances the protections against Ustilago sp. and Rhizoctonia sp. Difenoconazole provides protection against several seed and seedling diseases of cereals and mefenoxam provides protections against damping-off caused by Pythium sp.
Maximum usage when applying both metalaxyl- and mefenoxam-containing products to the same crop within the same season: Do not apply more than the maximum seasonal total for the active ingredient as stated on the label of the product containing the lowest seasonal total on that crop.

Important: Always read and follow label instructions when buying or using this product.

Registered for cultures
Spring barley
Winter barley
Spring oats
Winter oats
Winter rye
Spring rye
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Winter triticale