Cuproquim NU-COP 40DF

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Active materials

CUPROQUIM NU-CUP 40DF may be applied by aerial, or by dilute or concentrate ground sprayers on crops and at rates given on this label unless specifically prohibited for that crop use. Sufficient spray volume and spray pressure are essential to thoroughly penetrate the plant canopy and give thorough spray coverage at the times indicated. On crops sensitive to copper fungicides use the higher volumes of spray water per acre.
Use the higher dosage rates CUPROQUIM NU-CUP 40DF on mature trees, or when disease pressure is severe or weather conditions warrant.
When using adjuvants or other pesticides in combinations with this product, always observe the precautionary statements on the product's label and required days before harvest. Observe the most restrictive of the labeling limitations and precautions of all products used in mixtures. Sprays of CUPROQUIM NU-CUP 40DF may be applied up to day of harvest. Residue is exempt from a residue tolerance.
Before mixing with other products in spray tank, be sure that products are compatible. CUPROQUIM NU-CUP 40DF should not be applied in spray water having a pH of less than 6.5 as phytotoxicity may result. Also avoid using water having a pH of greater than 9.0 as effectiveness may be reduced.
Do not use in greenhouses for food crops or ornamentals.

Fill the spray tank one-fourth to one-third full with clean water. Start agitation (NOTE: Proper agitation creates a rippling or rolling action on the liquid surface). Add CUPROQUIM NU-CUP 40DF at the recommended rate.
Mix thoroughly and then add enough water to fill spray tank. Maintain sufficient agitation during mixing and during application of sprays to ensure a uniform spray mixture. When tank mixing with other pesticides, add wettable powders or dry flowables first and emulsifiable concentrates or spreader-stickers last. Before adding a second pesticide, be sure that prior product is well mixed and suspended before adding the next ingredient.

Do not apply this product through any irrigation system using aluminum parts or components as damage to the system may occur. Such application is prohibited regardless of whether the irrigation system is flushed with water after use of this product.
Apply this product only through one or more of the following types of systems: sprinkler including center pivot, lateral move, end tow, side (wheel) roll, traveler, big gun, solid set, or hand move irrigation system(s) which contain no aluminum parts or components. Do not apply this product through any other type of irrigation system.
Crop injury, or lack of effectiveness, can result from nonuniform distribution of treated water. If you have questions about calibration, you should contact State Extension Service specialists, equipment manufacturers or other experts. Do not connect an irrigation system (including greenhouse systems) used for pesticide application to a public water system unless the pesticide label-prescribed safety devices for public water systems are in place.
A person knowledgeable of the chemigation system and responsible for its operation, or under the supervision of the responsible person, shall shut the system down and make necessary adjustments should the need arise. A. Center Pivot, Traveler, Big Gun, Motorized Lateral Move, End Tow, and Side (Wheel) Roll Irrigation Equipment:
Operate system and injection equipment at normal pressures recommended by the manufacturer of injection equipment used. Fill tank or injection equipment with water. Operate system for one complete circle for center pivot or one complete run for the other recommended equipment, measuring time required, amount of water injected, and acreage contained in circle or run. Mix recommended amount of product for acreage to be covered into same amount of water used during calibration and inject into system continuously for one revolution or run, but continue to operate irrigation system until the product has been cleared from last sprinkler head. Spray mixture in the chemical supply tank must be agitated at all times, otherwise settling and uneven application may occur.
B. Solid Set and Hand Move Irrigation Equipment: Determine acreage covered by sprinkler. Fill tank of injection equipment with water and adjust flow to use contents over a thirty to forty-five minute period. Mix desired amount of product for acreage to be covered into quantity of water used during calibration and operate entire system at normal pressures recommended by the manufacturer of injection equipment used for amount of time established during calibration. Provide constant mechanical agitation in the mix tank to insure that the product will remain in suspension during the injection cycle. This product can be injected at the beginning or end of the irrigation cycle or as a separate application. Stop injection equipment after treatment is completed and continue to operate irrigation system until pesticide is cleared from last sprinkler head.
Posting of areas to be chemigated is required when:
1) any part of a treated area is within 300 feet of sensitive areas such as residential areas, labor camps, businesses, day care centers, hospitals, in-patient clinics, nursing homes or any public areas such as schools, parks, playgrounds, or other public facilities not including public roads, or
2) when the chemigated area is open to the public such as golf courses or retail greenhouses. Posting must conform to the following requirements. Treated areas shall be posted with signs at all usual points of entry and along likely routes of approach from the listed sensitive area. When there are no usual points of entry, signs must be posted in the corners of the treated areas and in any other locations affording maximum visibility to sensitive areas. The printed side of the sign should face away from the treated area towards the sensitive area.
The signs shall be printed in English. Signs must be posted prior to application and must remain posted until foliage has dried and soil surface water has disappeared. Signs may remain in place indefinitely as long as they are composed of materials to event deterioration and maintain legibility for the duration of the posting period.
All words shall consist of letters at least 2 1/2 inches tall, and all letters and the symbol shall be a color which sharply contrasts with their immediate background. At the top of the sign shall be the words KEEP OUT, followed by an octagonal stop sign symbol at least 8 inches in diameter containing the word STOP. Below the symbol shall be the words PESTICIDES IN IRRIGATION WATER. A small-scale illustration of an acceptable sign is attached at the end of this Notice

Registered for cultures
Sugar beets
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Spring barley
Winter barley
Spring oats
Winter oats