DEF 6 Emulsifiable Defoliant

Amvac Chemical
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Read entire label before using this product.
It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.

Do not apply DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT through any type of irrigation system.
Do not graze treated fields.
Do not use on other crops used for food or forage.
Cotton treated with this product must be mechanically harvested. Hand harvesting is prohibited.

Avoid spray drift to susceptible plants other than cotton as this product may injure or defoliate other crops. (Coarse sprays are less likely to drift.)

DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT is a cotton defoliant that is used to remove leaves from cotton plants prior to anticipated harvesting. Formulated as an emulsifiable concentrate, DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT contains 6 pounds active ingredient per gallon. DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT is most commonly mixed with water and applied to cotton using either ground or aerial equipment. However, diesel oil may be substituted for water under adverse weather conditions. FOLEX 6E is non-corrosive and will not damage metal parts normally used in applying spray chemicals.
DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT usually drops leaves in a green condition and will not appear effective until defoliation actually begins, approximately 3 days after application. By this time, the field will have an “off-cast” color.
Under favorable conditions, satisfactory leaf drop will require 5 to 7 days. Adverse conditions, including low temperatures and/or toughened plants (drought stressed, etc.) may extend this to 10 to 14 days. DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT is effective when applied to cotton with a heavy dew. Once DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT has dried on the leaf, subsequent rainfall or dew does not adversely affect its activity.
Application of DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT is not recommended when a heavy rainfall is expected within 1 hour after treatment. Conditions which delay absorption into the leaves are primarily those which cause the cotton leaves to be wilted, toughened, or leathery. When these conditions prevail, use diesel oil instead of water.
DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT does not suppress second growth especially where rainfall follows defoliation. A second application of DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT will be effective in defoliation of this second growth if excessive regrowth occurs between the first application and first and/or second harvest. DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE
DEFOLIANT must be applied in sufficient water or diesel oil to give thorough coverage of the leaves. Larger droplets more effectively reach the lower leaves. 
Use the higher DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT rate under conditions of low temperature, low humidity, or plant stress.
DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT may be used alone for bottom defoliation of the leaves on lower portion of the
plant as a preconditioner prior to total defoliation, or as a total defoliation treatment. DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE
DEFOLIANT may also be used in combination with Dropp (tank mix).
IMPORTANT: Observe all cautions and limitations on labels of all products used in mixtures specifically when DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT is tank mixed with products for use on cotton in areas where citrus is grown.
Observe buffer zones and other restrictions on the DEF 6 EMULSIFIABLE DEFOLIANT label and/or in the manufacturer’s directions for Folex

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