Dicamba 700 SG
- Manufacturer
- Rotam Agrochemical
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 83100-36
- Active materials
- sodium salt of dicamba0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Directions For Use
It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
DO NOT apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your state or tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.
Product Information
DICAMBA 700 SG is formulated as water dispersible granules for use as a spray to control and suppress many annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds, as well as woody brush and vines listed in Table 1. DICAMBA 700 SG can be used to control weeds in asparagus, corn, cotton, conservation reserve programs, fallow cropland, grass grown for seed, hay, proso millet, pasture, rangeland, farmstead (noncropland), small grains, sorghum, sugarcane, and turf.
Mode of Action
DICAMBA 700 SG is absorbed by plants through shoot and root uptake, and translocates throughout the plant's system and accumulates in areas of active growth. DICAMBA 700 SG interferes with the plant's growth hormones (auxins) resulting in death of many broadleaf weeds.
Resistance Management
Although DICAMBA 700 SG has a low probability of selecting for resistant weed biotypes, tank mix and rotate with herbicides possessing other modes of action to avoid weed resistance. The following directions apply to all uses of DICAMDA 700 SG. Additional precautions and restrictions will be found in each specific use section. DO NOT treat irrigation ditches or water used for crop irrigation ordomestic ases: DO NOT apply this product through any type of irrigation system
UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED UNDER THE INDIVIDUAL USE HEADINGS OF THIS LABEL, THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS APPLY TO ALL CROP AND NONCROP USES OF DICAMDA 700 SG. REFER TO INDIVIDUAL USE SECTIONS FOR ADDITIONAL PRECAUTIONS, RESTRICTIONS, APPLICATION RATES AND TIMINGS. DICAMBA 700 SG is a water dispersible formulation that is applied using water or sprayable fluid fertilizer as the carrier. If a fluid fertilizer is to be used, conduct a compatibility test (see COMPATIBILITY JEST) prior to tank mixing.
Apply using ground or aerial application equipment which will give good spray coverage of weed foliage. HOWEVER, DO NOT USE AERIAL APPLICATION EQUIPMENT IF SPRAY PARTICLES CAN BE CARRIED BY WIND INTO AREAS WHERE SENSITIVE CROPS OR PLANTS ARE GROWING.
Apply 3 to 50 gallons of diluted spray per treated acre when using ground application equipment, or 2 to 10 gallons of diluted spray per treated acre when using aerial application equipment. Use the higher specified rate within the rate spray volumes when treating dense or tall vegetation. Use coarse sprays.
Select nozzles designed to produce minimal amounts of fine spray particles. Spray with nozzles as close to the weeds as is practical for good weed coverage. DO NO APPLY DICAMBA 700 SG during periods of gusty wind or when wind exceeds 15 mph as uneven spray coverage may occur. DO NOT disturb (e.g. cultivating or mowing) treated areas for at least 7 days following application.
Application Instructions
Apply DICAMBA 700 SG to actively growing weeds as aerial, broadcast, band, or spot spray applications using water or sprayable fertilizer as a carrier. For DICAMBA 700 SG application rates for control or suppression by weed type and growth stage see Table 2. For crop specific application timing and other details, refer to Crop specific Information. To avoid uneven spray coverage, do not apply DICAMBA 700 SG during periods of gusty wind or when winds exceed 15 mph. Avoid off-target movement. Use extreme care when applying DICAMBA 700 SG to prevent injury to desirable plants and shrubs.
DO NOT treat areas where either possible downward movement into the soil or surface washing may cause contact of DICAMBA 700 SG with the roots of desirable plants such as trees and shrubs.
To avoid injury to desirable plants, thoroughly clean application equipment used to apply DICAMBA 700 SG (see PROCEDURE FOR CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT) before reusing to apply any other chemicals.
All crop uses of DICAMBA 700 SG are intended for a normal growing interval between planting and harvest. No crop rotation restrictions exist if normal harvest of treated crop has occurred. If this interval is shortened, such as in cover crops that will be plowed under, DO NOT follow up witt the planting of a sensitive crop:
Crops growing under stress conditions such as drought, poor fertility, or foliar damage due to hail, wind or insects, can exhibit various injury symptoms that may be more pronounced if herbicides are applied.
Consult your local or state authorities for possible application restrictions and advice concerning these and other special local use situations. Tank mix directions are for use only in states where the tank mix product and application site are registered.
Registered for cultures |
Asparagus |
Corn |
Cotton |
Millet |
Pasture |
Spring barley |
Winter barley |
Spring oats |
Winter oats |
Winter triticale |
Spring triticale |
Winter wheat |
Spring wheat |
Sorghum |
Soybeans |
Sugarcane |