Dicamba + Atrazine
- Manufacturer
- Category
- Herbicides
- Registered until
- N/A
- Registration number
- 7969-136-51036
- Active materials
- potassium salt0 lb/gallon
- atrazine0 lb/gallon
- Links
- LabelView
Restricted Use Pesticide
Due to Ground and Surface Water Concerns For retail sale to and use only by certified applicators or persons under their direct supervision, and only for those uses covered by the certified applicator's certification. This product is a restricted use herbicide due to ground and surface water concerns. Users must read and follow all precautionary statements and instructions for use in order to minimize potential for atrazine to reach ground and surface water.
Product Information
Marksman herbicide is a water-dispersible formulation for use in corn, fallow systems, or sorghum to control annual broadleaf weeds and to suppress perennial
broadleaf weeds (refer to Table 1).
Mode of Action
Marksman contains two active ingredients: dicamba and atrazine. Dicamba is readily absorbed by plants through root-and-shoot uptake, translocates throughout the plant's system, and accumulates in areas of active growth. Dicamba interferes with the plant's growth hormones (auxins) resulting in death of many broadleaf weeds. Atrazine is absorbed by roots and shoots and controls weeds by inhibiting photosynthesis.
Resistance Management
Dicamba has a low probability of selecting for resistant biotypes. With repeated use, atrazine has selected for resistant biotypes of some weed species. Combining the two herbicides, which are each active in a similar broadleaf weed spectrum, reduces the risk of selecting for resistant biotypes.
Cleaning Spray Equipment
Clean application equipment thoroughly by using a strong detergent or commercial sprayer cleaner according to the manufacturer's directions, and then triple rinsing the equipment before and after applying this product.
Application Instructions
Marksman herbicide can be applied preemergence or postemergence to actively growing weeds as aerial, broadcast, band, or spot spray applications using water or sprayable fertilizer as a carrier. Sprayable fluid fertilizer as a carrier is not recommended for use after crop emergence. For crop-specific application timing and other details, refer to the Crop-specific Information section. To avoid uneven spray coverage, DO NOT apply Marksman during periods of gusty wind or when wind is in excess of 15 mph. Avoid off-target movement. Use extreme care when applying Marksman to prevent injury to desirable plants and shrubs.
Sensitive Crop Precautions
Marksman may cause injury to desirable trees and plants, particularly beans, cotton, flowers, fruit trees, grapes, ornamentals, peas, potaioes, soybeans, sunflowers, tobacco, tomatoes, and other broadleaf plants when contacting their roots, stems, or foliage. These plants are most sensitive to Marksman during their development or growing stage.
• Use coarse sprays (volume median diameter of 400 microns or more) to avoid potential herbicide drift. Select nozzles that are designed to produce minimal
amounts of fine spray particles (less than 200 microns). Examples of nozzles designed to produce coarse sprays via ground applications are Delavan Raindrop,
Spraying Systems XR (excluding 110° tips) flat fans, Turbo FloodJet, Turbo TeeJet8, or large capacity flood nozzles such as D10, TK10, or greater capacity tips. Keep the spray pressure at or below 20 psi and the spray volume at or above 20 gallons per acre, unless otherwise required by the manufacturer of drift-reducing
nozzles. Consult your spray nozzle supplier concerning the choice of drift-reducing nozzles.
• Agriculturally approved drift-reducing additives may be used.
Registered for cultures |
Corn |
Sorghum |